Several weeks ago I discoverd a green manderain had died and found what looked to be just its head. Upon pulling it out I relized that the rest of the body had been pulled under the substrate, one of my sand sifting snails was also in that area and promptly disapeared under the sand after fighting me for the remains. I was in shock that a snail would have the power to pull a fish under, but thought that the fish must have died due to other causes. I am not so sure any more. Last night I had my hand in the tank and moved a turbo snail off of the glass and dropped him on the sand 2 to 3 inches from one of my sandsifters, which was fully submerged with just his snorkel peeking up out of the substrate. Well, the sand sifter shot out like a submarine making a emergency accent and was on top of the turbo faster than I could get my hand to the bottom. The speed of this attack was amazing. Watch out if you have any of these snails, they have put a good dent in my turbo population and I have not been able to keep any perching, or bottom dwelling fish. Here is what the killer looks like: