Kid Won, No Longer For Sale

Dont I know it, but apparently nobody want it :(

Its ok, my little boy has been on ages about a new 'Mr Fishy', who was a long finned goldfish we had ages ago, so Im about to go set it up as a coldwater tank for a goldie :)
If it doesnt sell mate, yeah :)

You interested?? I know you liked it that other night when you picked up the little tank!
yeh i am interested... only problem is i would need to get rid of my tank first as this would take its place..

currently im on a mission to see who can take mine.. will let you know.
No worries, it finishes on ebay tomorrow morning, I expect it will sell there.
Ah Minx i would have loved to have had this in my front room, but due to the location of the gas meter it just won't fit.I've been trying so hard to find a way of making this work, but its clearly not meant to be.
Have you considered that the gas meter can be got to via the cabinet, as there is no backs on door parts of the cabinets!!!

:lol: Sorry, couldnt resist, but its something Ive tried to do in the past :)
The persistance and puppy dog eyes of a four year old little boy have won the day.

Tank is currently filling with nice cold water for a goldfish (or two) already named Mr Fishy the second who will be purchased tomorrow.

No point selling a fab tank for silly money, even though you need it, when you can put such a smile on a little kids face :D

Money who needs it, cant take it with ya :rolleyes: *That will be engraved on my tombstone* :lol:
aww ya big softie. tho i agree i wouldnt have sold it for that money either, way too nice, tell M that we wanna see pics of his mr fishy :)
:lol:, I know the feeling, that is exactly what happened to me - my granddaughter said, oh but nanny, I could have that tank and you could help me set it up .................oh gawd, here we go again with fresh water :rolleyes:

Seffie x

If it ever comes up for sale PM me.

Have only just noticed this thread, been offline for months!

Just what I was after, typical!

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