Khuli Loaches

I got a dozen in a 10 gallon, its awesome when the lights ping on, they go bonkers and smash into the glass and wriggle like mad. I cant help but stand there turning the light on and off dozens of times. Disco disco disco disco

A dozen in a 10G? Can I squeeze a few in a 7g tank with a betta then?
depends on the floor area they have, if its height your tank has, it would be a pants idea. Mine wont be in there forever so not perma home, they are ickle :)
depends on the floor area they have, if its height your tank has, it would be a pants idea. Mine wont be in there forever so not perma home, they are ickle

I asked out of desperation :) Thanks. I would love some but with so many bottom dwellers I can't squeeze these unless they fit in the 7G which I wouldn't think they would unfortunately.
Have upped the numbers as a few got eaten because they were too small!! Bought x 6 new ones from an ebay seller who picked me out some larger ones and all is well. Have added more caves and plants and as they have now been in there for a few weeks see them venturing out and about a lot!! I have also put a piece of tights over my filter inlet so they cant get into my external filter.
I keep my 6 Kuhlis in a Fluorite gravel 55 gallon tank and have had no problems. I try not to get caught up in the sand vs. gravel debate.
Kuhlis need sand missmilly. They may be "fine", but you are potentially harming their sensitive skin and whiskers as well as inhibitng their feeding behaviors. A happy kuhli is a kuhli that can sift through sand.
Crossfire, do you know anything about Kuhli eggs? From everything I've read, they're supposed to be green, but is it possible that they could be light yellow? This is the 3rd batch of eggs I've found in the last few months, buried in the substrate next to some plant roots ... and they're pretty big eggs. Too big to come from my variety of Tetras.

I'm really kind of stumped, and can't really find very many photos on the web for Kuhli eggs.

They very well could be khuli eggs, but everything I have read about khuli eggs is that they will be laid near the surface and generally stick to aquatic plants near the surface. Some eggs will fall to the bottom of the tank and are usually eaten by the adults or other fish. but maybe falling into gaps in the substrate has saved them.

Water conditions will be important if you want to try and hatch them, you could put the eggs in a suspended net near the filter return, or keep the eggs in the current contianer (where you took the pictures) and add an airstone on a gentle bubble to keep air circualting around the eggs.
Ideally if the eggs hatch you want some of the mulm from your tank/ filter in the bottom of the newly hatched fry contianer for the fry to feed off micro organisms in the mulm. Java moss is also useful for providing micro foods to tiny mouths. Once a bit bigger the fry can be fed newly hatched decapsulted brine shrimp (rinsed well in fresh water to not introduce salt to the fry tank/ temp home). Water quality will also be an issue with raising the fry in something besides an established tank so frequent water changes will be in order.

I hope for your sake these are some khuli eggs.

Please keep us updated with pictures and observations if the eggs do hatch.

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