Khuli Kwestion

Bufo Bill

Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
Wolverhampton UK
Hi there, I'm new to this area of TFF, I post occasionally in the Oddballs and Planted Aquariums sections. I was thinking of maybe stocking some khuli loaches in a small (10 UK Gallons) planted aquarium. I understand that they aren't fussy about being in a group, but i would like at least two, and here's the problem: How do you work out stocking ratios with these fish, because it seems to me that a three or four inch Khuli is significantly less fish than a more "regular" shaped 3 or 4 inch fish due to the thinness of the Khuli, is this right or not? Does the inch per gallon thing still apply? The tank is heavily planted and has been running for about 8 months.

Any help is greatly appreciated. All the best from Bill.
Hi there, I'm new to this area of TFF, I post occasionally in the Oddballs and Planted Aquariums sections. I was thinking of maybe stocking some khuli loaches in a small (10 UK Gallons) planted aquarium. I understand that they aren't fussy about being in a group, but i would like at least two, and here's the problem: How do you work out stocking ratios with these fish, because it seems to me that a three or four inch Khuli is significantly less fish than a more "regular" shaped 3 or 4 inch fish due to the thinness of the Khuli, is this right or not? Does the inch per gallon thing still apply? The tank is heavily planted and has been running for about 8 months.

Any help is greatly appreciated. All the best from Bill.
it depends on what other fish are going to be in the tank bill, in general, i count them as an inch less than they are, because of their long body shape. and to behonest, they do prefer bigger groups, 2 is the minimum, but bigger groups and you will see more active behaviour. i had 2, and they were often hiding in caves and plants, the i purchased another 4 and the are much more active now, swimming together and are very intresting and fun to watch.
if you be kindly enough to tell me your current fish in th 10gallon tank, and i could advise you how many to purchase and whatever, just ask. :good:
Thanks for the quick reply. The fish I currently have in there are two dwarf puffers. I realise these are agressive fish, but my two seem to be concerned only with each other. They are both male so they won't breed and get over agressive on potential predators, and anyway I think they'll be okay with fish as in their old tank I had Amano shrimp who they never even looked at (some DP's will eat shrimp). My plan was to add one or two and watch carefully for agression, at the first sign of which I'd get the Khulis out. Is this idea unworkable?

Also do Khulis eat shrimp? I had planned to put them in my other tank with shrimp, so obviously if they do it's bad news.
All the best from Bill.
Thanks for the quick reply. The fish I currently have in there are two dwarf puffers. I realise these are agressive fish, but my two seem to be concerned only with each other. They are both male so they won't breed and get over agressive on potential predators, and anyway I think they'll be okay with fish as in their old tank I had Amano shrimp who they never even looked at (some DP's will eat shrimp). My plan was to add one or two and watch carefully for agression, at the first sign of which I'd get the Khulis out. Is this idea unworkable?

Also do Khulis eat shrimp? I had planned to put them in my other tank with shrimp, so obviously if they do it's bad news.
All the best from Bill.
hummmm.....thats a hard one, it wont over stock the tank adding a few kuhliis, but the aggression could be a problem as you say. i have one very aggressive dwarf puffer who will attack anything, but saying that, i have 3 DP's in a 15gallon along with apple snails, ottos and a ghost shrimp, so i can understand how they can be pieceful sometimes. only once in a while will i see small fights between them, but it lasts a few moments and everythings back to normal, with no fish or anyother live animal hurt. im not sure, but sometimes males can be aggressive with each other as they compeat for domiance, as there is no females, maybe this isnt an issue. my 3 pieceful puffers are females i think, and the aggressive one male. i would add plenty of caves, rocks, plants, anything kuhliis can hide in and break the line of sight of the puffer will help. i would add 2 kuhliis to start with, and see how it goes, then in a few months or so, and everything is still good, maybe add another 2. as long as you watch as long as possable, as often as possable, if nessary from a distance, and watch for any aggression from the puffers i think it would be ok to add 2 kuhliis. ANY aggression, even a small nip, and the kuhliis should be out of there, they wont be able to stand the bulling from the dwarf puffers for long, so have a spare tank or something incase.
my kuhliis dont eat shrimps, amanos, ghost and crystal shrimps have all been fine with them, they may eat the young shrimplets if any, but wont touch the adults. as amanos wont breed in captivity very easily. i cant see a problem. sand is needed for the kuhliis though. if you have any more questions, just ask away.
good luck
Honestly I wouldn't put any kuhlies in there. The gallonage is fine, but I'm pretty sure the footprint will be too small. I know most people don't see their kuhlies that much, but that doesn't mean they still aren't swimming. My kuhlies are pretty active and swim a lot in my 29g. I just don't think a 10ukg (12usg) tank will give them enough space, especially for the a group, which they prefer.
Thanks so much for the quick replies.

Hmm. Seems quite a gamble to me, from what you both have told me. It could be great or it could be a bit poo for the loaches. Being realistic, I don't want to put any fish through any more stress than strictly necessary, so I might leave them out. I realise they could be fine together, but I would rather not risk it. Oh well. Maybe I could get an army of ninja shrimp or cherry shrimp...something I already know my puffers tolerate. They would do basically the same clean up job without the extra waste as a by product.

Thanks guys, you've helped me a great deal.

All the best from Bill.
Thanks so much for the quick replies.

Hmm. Seems quite a gamble to me, from what you both have told me. It could be great or it could be a bit poo for the loaches. Being realistic, I don't want to put any fish through any more stress than strictly necessary, so I might leave them out. I realise they could be fine together, but I would rather not risk it. Oh well. Maybe I could get an army of ninja shrimp or cherry shrimp...something I already know my puffers tolerate. They would do basically the same clean up job without the extra waste as a by product.

Thanks guys, you've helped me a great deal.

All the best from Bill.
well in the end its your choice, i was only giving my opinion, atleast you realalised the risk and left the kuhliis out for now to be on the safe side. personally i think the kuhliis are well suited for 10gallon tanks and bigger, but my opinion. i wouldnt add any ninja shrimp or cherry shrimps, they are smaller then amanos and may be come an easier snack for the dwarf puffers, stick with amanos, you know they arent bothered byt the puffers, just ninja and cherries are expensive and may not last.
Thanks again. I see what you mean about the difference in size, it's something I definately need to consider. I think the Cherrys and Ninjas are about 2-3cm long, which is the size my Amanos were when they were added to the tank, so hopefully they will be okay. I might get some and grow them on to adult size before adding a couple to the tank to see if they are okay. They can fit into my other tank if things go wrong. Hopefully though, it won't come to that.

All the best from Bill.

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