Khuli / Kuhli Loaches


Starting again
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
Bournemouth, UK
What are the tank and group recommendation sizes for these guys? Also how often to feed? Simple questions but please help lol
Hey :shifty: , i have 9 of the fellas in my 35litre (personally i see it as being fine as they have free run of the tank with only a betta in their besides themselves) but as you know bigger is better. i wouldn't keep them in anything smaller than a 35.

I reccomend keeping at least 6 of them as they need numbers IME they are shy things that thrive when in big groups and the more the merrier.

I feed mine every few days on algae wafer (broken up into small bits) the rest of the time they constantly sift through the sand and play int the plants etc.

Great little fish :good:
sand substrate & we feed ours a mix of frozen beasties ( defrosted) such as bloodworm,brine shrimp , black,red & white mosquito larvae, catfish tablets, algae tablets, dried tubifex cubes, flake food, hikari micro wafers & hiklari micro pettlets. i also occasionally stick a romaine lettuce leaf or cucumber in the tank - our khulis seem to like all of this stuff ! :)
hi, ive got 2 black khuli loaches in a community tank,dont see them that often, but ive had them for at least 5 months now and they are fine, ive got normal gravel in my tank with a few rocks, slate and plants and they are alyways with my striped rapheal under 1 perticular rock, and they feed on the food that the other fish dont eat which is usually algea wafers catfish pellets or bits of flake food the angels miss,
Bigger is always better, but I think they would be fine in a 20 gallon tank, minimum. They really don't swim around as much as other fish, and don't take up very much room. Half the time you never even see them because they're hiding under the rocks and such. Sand substrate is the best thing to use for them, they love rooting around in it. As for the best temp. I would say they adapt pretty well, and I've kept them just fine from 70 - 80 degrees.

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