Keyhole and Leopard Fish photos!


Fish Crazy
Tank of the Month 🏆
Dec 8, 2023
Reaction score
Athens, GA
Hey TFF family, It’s been awhile since I posted on here, but I took some nice pictures of my fish so I wanted to share them with you guys! These are from my South American 20 gallon.

Current stocking:
3 Keyhole Cichlids (~2 inches)
Leopard bush fish (2 inches)
One glolite tetra and one neon tetra (had a group but they didn’t fare well)
Banjo catfish (brand new!)
Here’s my two tanks side by side. All the sticks and leaves are from my yard.

My other tank is kind of in limbo right now. I’m planning to get rid of the platies and convert it into an Asian themed tank. I’ve already added a butterfly hill stream loach and a big bamboo shrimp, which have been fun to watch. To replace the platies I’m planning on getting some cherry barbs and a dwarf flame gourami. I’d also like Kuhli loaches, a second hillstream, and possibly harlequin rasboras.
I just love the natural look of the interior of your tanks. And wonderrful looking fish, of course...

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