Keeping Sharks?


do u really have that many fish in a 10 litre tank?? or did u mean 10 gallon? 10 litres is under half the size of my 5 gallon betta tank which is 27 liters.

i dont think theres much evidence to hold up to a fish only growing to the size of its tank. it may stunt its growth slightly and therefore cause it to die earlier or be more susceptible to disease.

its recommended that RTS are homed in a minimum of a 90cm wide aquarium, which would be over 125 litres. bala sharks get much bigger!
Well my filter and other accessories are now waiting to be picked up at the post office, and my tank almost set up. Shark is awaiting pick up at the fish shop on friday. Happy me LOL

I somehow managed to get myself very interested in building a tank from scratch. Am gonna make a divided Betta tank and if that works, will try a 36"tank for a shark.

Sigh, i swore i wouldnt try and build something and be good and buy all the pieces of equpiment but then saw a site about building filters, and it'd be just so cool to build an entire tank. My poor parents, they put up with so much LOL, like the guinea pig cages, the multiple esigns for the shed I never did get LOL
Silver sharks will only get to 6 inches in an aquarium. If you have like a 300 mlitre tank then they may get bigger. I really get annoyed when time after time ppl tell me to get rid of my shark cause he gets to 14 inches. It all depends on how much you feed him and the size tank you have. I feed my fish once every other day and on a saturday bloodworm.

Note that this method has also been successfully tried on humans. By restricting space and food, the keepers of Roumanian orphanages and German concentration camps managed to keep the growth of their young human charges to a far slower rate than what would normally be expected. It *can* be done. Whether everything that *can* be done also *should* be done is a different matter.

It should be noted that fish respond in different ways to this regime. Some get stunted, some just die, others carry on growing until they bust the tank.

sorry, cuticom, about hijacking your thread. Good luck with building the tank- have you checked out the diy forum?
Yup, still hesitant over prices tho, I'm not exactly rolling in money LOL. My aim is to convince Dad that even though it's not a marine tank he wants to build it with his daughter and help pay for it LOL. Dad being Dad has offered to buy me a six foot marine tank, never mind the fact I don't want a marine tank LOL, but he dosnt like the idea of a freshwater tank :S LOL

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