Keeping Kids Out Of Tanks

Does your mom do the squeeze technique with them? I ask because my nephew is autistic and gets upset by all the noise and motion of my fish tanks when they pop over for a visit, so she brings his squeeze blanket and wraps him up tight and plops him in front of the tank and then he is content the rest of the visit.

Autism sucks! I hate it and I wish the big corporations would quit pumping toxins into our world and poisoning us. My sis lives a few miles from a coal power plant and there are a LOT more babies with autism in her neighborhood than in mine. Does the power company want to admit it? Heeck no! :-( :no: :grr:
Tbh she just uses red means no and timeout.
Cant exactly not let them in the living room really.

If I were in this situation I would
1)re-arrange the furniture to remove quick access to the tank,
2)block access to the room with baby gates (especially handy when mom gets a phone call or needs to put a load of laundry in the washing maching...),
3)be vigilant in their supervision!

The good thing is, it looks like the autism must be mild, they were able to come up with a plan and execute it as a team! There were 2 cases of autism in my children's school and both children would never have been part of something like that! They were too locked in within themselves, and brought to focus outside of that only with immense difficulties!
Well conpared to some other people its not TOO bad. They go to a group once a week for autistic people which does them good i think (despite many arguments lol). Well they didnt go into the tank today lol. Theyre still quite interested but shes keeping them away lol.
Put in a ...

------------------------------------------ Pike! ----------------------------------------
michaelh - have you considered the sounds and colours are doing something for them on a sensory processing (disorder) level?
And that is why they are so close most of the time.

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