Keeping Corys In Groups.

I'm guessing that if the group breaks up, that means they feel really secure and at home in your tank. :)
I'm guessing that if the group breaks up, that means they feel really secure and at home in your tank. :)

I definitely agree when it comes some other species (tend to group together when you first get them, then slowly as they get used to the tank they split up and ungroup more)...

However with my cories (i have 8 species) the biggest split I see is a group of 4 splitting in about half. Occasionally i see a single cory by itself digging where I drop the food. In this case, I assume that individual has gotten hungry and didn't care about its friends for a while? :)

But yea, who knows what goes on in the mind of a fish!

I forgot to say, mine also break up into pairs of two when breeding behaviour is going on.. ie in a group of six there will be one girl and one or two boys chasing it.

When the girl is sick of being chased by the boys it hides in the java moss.
So, Eines, You might consider leucomelas, julii, sterbai and aeneus among others as for your over 75 F tanks.
I have juliis and adolfoi in a tank at 26.5c, and they are all very happy, The julis (trilineatuses) are happier than the adolfoi, swiming up and down all over the place, all day every day, for months now. (The adolfoi are more tame)
Have you considered that the adolfi might be less active because that temperature is uncomfortably warm for them?

Often fish can be kept at a temperature for an extended period of time that is not suitable. But also often they will not completely acclimate and will eventually be exhausted by the stress. Wild caught Corys have to adjust to fluctuations in water parameters, but they also have a range that is suitable and healthy. Aquarium bred fish have their genetic makup but also have adapted to the aquarium. The fish that survive and thrive are the ones that are suited to the paramaters of the aquarium where they were bred. It is very basic science. Fish that are kept in unsuitable parameters will have shorter and less healthy life spans.

26.5 C. is not suitable for most Corys, in spite of a few months experience.
thanks so much for the tips guys and I'll make sure before buying any new fish to check the temperature requirements. ;) I'm not even sure I will be getting any corys, but if I do, I'll be sure to post some pics here for you guys to see. :D
yeah, I went to the fishstore today to get a new thermometer (mine broke yesterday) and I kept an eye out for the corys. It was kinda cute to watch them all huddle together and move across the tank together. :p
also a quick question for you cory lovers! i have 8 cory fry, at what size can i put them back in with the adults? at the moment they are around 3 weeks old and still very small. (a cm or so long?)

Hi Spishkey.

If only their adults are in the tank or at least only non-aggressive fish are in the tank then 3/4 of an inch is a good size. For a mixed community tank I'd wait till they are 1 inch long. At least, that's what I do.
I am really skepticle of small fry swimming with the parents. I think it may depend on several variables. Often when I try many are lost, whereas with some of the fish they seem to do well with no assistance. I have had more simulatus show up in their tank without help than in my fry nets with careful harvesting and care.

I go back to what Frank Falcone says so often: It is trial and error. What works for one does not necessarily work for others. Many fish breeders put the eggs and fry in different tanks and tubs--a little like spreading your bets.
26.5 C. is not suitable for most Corys, in spite of a few months experience.

Not all corydoras are suitable for that temperature range.

I am using this temperature for a number of reasons.
- The fish shop had them warmer, where they were very happy (believe it or not)
- When the temperature was lower they werent that happy at all
- Its well within the range of adolfoi temperatures listed on
(which I trust much more than other random sites)

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