Keeping brook trout


New Member
Jun 25, 2004
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Lost in my own idiosyncrasy...
Just as a thought:
i am able to get some brook trout fry (or speckled trout as another name for them), and was wonder if anyone has experience in keeping something like this? I know that they are cold water (usually river) dwellers. Also they are one of Canada's most popular game fish.

It would be kinda fun to raise them, and would definalty be out of the ordinary (at least i think so) not to mention that they are actually very attractive fish.
Thanks for the input, but i think that this particular page is referring to a Sea dwelling version with the same name. The one i'm referring to (as far as i can tell) is completly a fresh water dweller. I'll do more research.

But in response to the other comment, I was thinking about raising the Fry then putting them putting it back into the wild once it got bigger, they are very hardy fish. This is basically what the Department of Fishery does anyway, they raise large amounts of fry then restock lakes and rivers every year. In this case i'll take care of 2 or 3.
Ah, well it was just a thought. If you all sudgest not doing it, then i'll forget about it. It was brought to my attention, becasue my friend works at the Agriculture College, in the Fish Sciences dept. He offered some Fry if i wanted.

It's a pretty cool place though, they have a HUGE tank with a bunch of Carp in it. They have to be almost 2 feet long each.

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