@Slaphppy7 and others don't like or believe in bottled bacteria.
Myself and others do like it.
Personally, I didn't think the cost was exhorbitant, so I don't feel you've anything to lose by trying it...except some money!
Growing bacteria does take time, especially if you're stating from scratch, without the benefit of 'mature' water or old substrate/filter sponges.
Back in the Olden Days, (
), aquarists would have a waterbutt outside, full of water from the rain and the tap and would leave it to stand for a week or so. This 'mature' water would then be used to set up the tank, having acquired its own bacteria, quite naturally, from the atmosphere and general surroundings.
One important note about you using your tap water...remember that tap water is treated with stuff to make it safe for us to drink, such as chlorine. You'll need to add a water conditioner, every time you add tap water, or else the chlorine in it will kill off your resident bacteria.