Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
Be aware if you ever want to buy fish from there that it's probably not the best place to buy fish from.

We phoned ahead to ask if they had any tropical shrimp in and were told 'Yes' so we ask what type 'Errr I don't know, but they look like shrimp' This set the alarm bells going, but I figured I know what I'm after so it's fine if the staff dont. So long as the fish are well looked after and healthy.

I saw at least one dead fish in about 80% of tropical tanks

A parrot fish in with two oscars, one of the oscars couldn't balance properly and had massive chunks taken out of it's fins. The parrot fish kept having a go so I figure this may be the culprit.

The Bolvian Ram tank was infected with callamanus worms, I mentioned this (purely to try and be helpful). I was told it was being treated (though they didn't say for callamanus worms and she looked surprised when I told her. Her being the shop manager.) Also for fish that were clearly infected...they were still up for sale which is odd if they're 'being treated'. IE. I don't believe for one second they were under treatment and even if they were they AND every other tank on their filter system should be under quarentine.

I was also very rudely told that 'they get checked daily' and thrown a very dirty look.

Oh and there was an albino clawed frog up for sale under it's latin name...so I don't know if they just didn't know what it is so printed the name they ordered it from the stockists? or what. But plenty of you will know that long term they get quite big and shouldn't really be kept with fish as they will eat them.

Oh and this is just personal preference that I'm holding against them cause of all the ACTUALLY bad things I saw. But they had horrid multicoloured gravel in all of the tanks. Not only is it not good for bottom feeders, but frankly it's an eye sore.

So yeah...please just be aware of all this while you go. Oh, and all of this was found within 5minutes of being there...god knows what else I might've noticed if I'd looked harder and stayed longer.
Have you told the RSPCA? Surely everyone that works at the shop is responsable for the well being of these animals. Someone should be held accountable for their health.
Yes the shrimp stayed where they were. :)

And I doubt telling the RSPCA would do anything. What proof do I have? They could just as easily tell them the fish were under treatment. And argue that the deaths in practically every tank were a one off. That coupled with the fact the the 'authorities' don't normally care that much (or have laws in place that would be being broken), I doubt much would happen.
It's a pet shop before it's a fish shop, so I didn't expect anything impressive. I was thinking more that it'd be limited stock though...as opposed to just poorly kept. It's a shame, but the petsathome in marina bay is really good from what I've seen and heard. So at least there is still a fish shop within cycling distance :D
The RSPCA don't care about fish, they're only interested in animals with fur.

I might check this place out, sounds really dodgy.

Not to go off topic, but they're not always keen on helping the fur-covered animals too :unsure: my sister used to work as a vet nurse, and one bonfire they had an Alsatian pup brought in that had been savaged so bad, that it had to have both its tail and a hind leg amputated. The RSPCA's response was 'we've enough to do tonight with the fireworks'..

Happy ending though, she brought her home and 5 years later she's sat very content and happily next to me :good: :fun:

Saying that, does anyone but the avid aquarium keeper value and respect for a fishes health? They're not even regarded as animals by most I'd imagine.. they're just commodities, moving ornaments. :(
Even my boyfriend (who considers himself very non fishy...mainly due to jealousy :lol:), couldn't believe it was so obviously badly kept. Then I explained to him...

They're not even regarded as animals by most

they're just commodities, moving ornaments

So ok I didn't use those exact words but you get the jist. I was just so annoyed about how rudely I was spoken to...it's not exactly unreasonable of me to presume they hadn't noticed, the fish were CLEARLY on sale still.
where about in Notts is the shop?

I'm off over to Notts on Friday.
Dead centre of town. On one of the little side streets between victoria centre and the corner house.
I think it was called trinity walk or something like that. It comes up on google though if you wanted to check.
right, i'll be checking them out.
So insted of phoning the RSPCA and at least seeing what they have to say (bacause you doubt they'll do anything) you will do nothing and leave these fish that you obviously feel pasionately for to probably die in awful circumstances.
I'm pretty sure in the time it took you to write the first post you could have called or e mailed them.

I just feel that instead of venting your anger about these poor fish on here it would have been time better spent if you hald told people that have the power to do something about it.

The 24 hour cruelty line is 0300 1234 999 or click this link to take you to the RSPCAs reporting cruelty checklist where the title of the page is YOU CAN MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE
If you actually read my first post carefully you'd see I am doing something.

I'm doing the only thing we fishkeepers can do.

I'm spreading the word and I'm refusing to buy anything from that shop.

Also if you honestly think it's worth a phone call to the RSPCA then you phone them. Your call will mean as much as mine...which is nothing. They don't respond to calls about fish...and the only cases we've seen dealt with are cases much much worse than this.
So please don't tell me what they will and wont do when you haven't seen numerous people already try and fail infront of you.
If i had seen these fish in such a state, I would have called them.

Don't get me wrong, I admire that you have done something by telling people about them. These shops are bound by law to care for these fish though, they do have a duty of care. If these dutys are not being met then they are breaking the law and as such are liable for prosecution. My phone call will mean nothing to them as I have not been to this shop and seen the conditions these fish are in, you however have.
The RSPCA do respond to calls about animal traders (this is essentialy what a fish shop is) keeping animals in appalling conditions. They may not respond with an emergency visit with a police escort, but they WILL respond. Tehy may not close down the shop on arrival, but they will give notices that the place has to clean up it's act or rick being shut down.

"Also if you honestly think it's worth a phone call to the RSPCA then you phone them." What kind of attitude is that?
You've clearly never seen anyone report on a fish shop. Hence my 'attitude' towards phoning them.

Even though the law 'technically' covers fish in some aspects. The RSPCA don't respect that. We've seen it many many times. And I have no proof that the fish weren't being treated, neither would the RSPCA.

They wouldn't even bother to send someone. There are more 'important' things for their attention. That's how it always goes.

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