Kaden's Babies


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
Well it doesn't look like there's too many left. There are about 10-12 that are very visibly a lot bigger. The little teeny tiny (still just look like a couple eye balls) seem to be dying off. I'm feeding them bbs twice a day and daily water changes being careful to dechlor the water and check that it's exactly the same temp. I dunno... with Kaden eating a HUGE number of fry and this weird die off, it's looking to be a very small amount of kids i'll be raising. :(
I promice i'll get some pics soon - the strong ones seemed to tripple in size over night, so i think my camera will be able to pic them up now.
I'd feed them more if I were you... I'd recommend at least 3 times a day, but I feed mine whenever I think of it, usually 3 meals of BBS and another 2 or 3 meals of microworms. I think fry should always have something in their tank to be snacking on :nod:

As for the die-offs, I dunno... seems like that just happens sometimes :(
This is a horrible pic but a pic all the same
I need a new camera - i can't get any good pics of the babies
this one was taken during a water change.
It's hard to believe that one day that wittle guy will be all fiesty and flaring and gorgeous!

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