k didn't know where to put this.

ok thanks for your opinions people :*
you shouldnt dismiss someones advice if you dont like then.personally i dont like you but i wouldnt choose not to listen to your advice because of that.

and i know alot of us are sick of this

if you ask a question
be prepared to take the answer
I say buy the guppy his own 2.5 gallon tank and that problem is solved.

Leave the 2 goldfish in the 10 gallon and do hefty water changes weekly til you can afford or find a place for a larger tank, a 30 gallon is better for 2 goldfish not a 20 btw.
Ok I'm going to shake things up a bit by saying that I really like wwestar. (S)he really knows how to start a riot. (S)he comes on and posts things that they KNOW will get a rise out of people, (ie, mixing tropical fish and coldwater fish *twitch*) and will purposely contradict what the majority of people think, even if it means making up extravagant lies to cover up why they are being a hypocrite. And I must say that the poor grammar, lack of punctuation and spelling errors really puts the icing on the cake. Also, the 'you don't know me' statement is one that is common with you dear. Of course we don't know you. For all you know I could be a 40 year old irish man living in switzerland who really doesn't own fish at all. But we all assume things by what others say, because it is in the human nature.

All in all, wwestar, I'm going to waste some breath on you. I say this because it won't mean anything to you anyhow. But I need to say it for my own sanity. You don't want our advice. Every post that has been written by you has proven that. So please, for the love of all things holy, stop posting if you don't want answers. Because in case you haven't noticed, it's what we do here. By the grace of the moderators you are still around, so please watch yourself.

Oh, and PS, have a nice day. :)
OrkyBetta said:
stop posting if you don't want answers. Because in case you haven't noticed, it's what we do here. By the grace of the moderators you are still around, so please watch yourself.

Oh, and PS, have a nice day. :)
But see the thing is. You and sheperdlover or whatever her name is and a few annoying members that have argued with me before post with no intention of helping just to annoy. And you guys don't get it! I don't want your advice! I already stated before how greatful i was for getting advice from someone who is not holding a grudge on me. But i guess thats what 10 year old little girls do right? :) Just don't post on my topics and you won't have to get so heated up. I made it clear long ago. my topic title wasn't
OMG orkybetta and shepperdlover i need your help!

p.s- I really don't think me leaving out punctuation marks and not correcting my grammer is such a big deal. Have you seen other members. I will check my grammer if it's something important. And your trully the only one who cares. So that has lost it's importants :)
oh and ditto with the nice day :)
yes but the thing is
we ARE trying to help
you just dont want to listen

and my name isnt

and i might be younger but chances are i know a hell of a lot more
same goes for all the other younger members here
Just because you might know more doesnt give any one the right to speak to people like that.

Give your advice and then leave it. If the person chooses to hear it or not then thats for them to decide.

Every time Wwestar has posted all he/she gets is abuse. Its no wonder they bite back but all everyone else does is criticise them more.

If you dont like a person then put them on your ignore list, its easy.

It seems to me as well that people here can say what they like to others and get away with it.

To be honest Wwestar some of your past posts have annoyed me but I suppose being the adult I am I can ignore them. I will try to help you where I can and i'm really surprised as well that youve stuck it out here for as long as you have without walking away, which to me makes you a better person than all these *bullies* put together.

So can we stop all this mudslinging and go back to the fish?
Well, you see, the thing is, northstar, or whatever, (i am not capable of scrolling and copying down a name) we have also been over the thing about me being 10 years old. I am a sophomore in high school, and if I WAS indeed 10, me being in high school would prove that I was smart anyways. But I'm not ten and I believe we've been over this before. So I'll stop.

Since you obviously know everything there is to know about fish, and you are completely satisfyed with your tank, and don't feel like you need help, this forum isn't the place for you, I'm afraid. This forum is for people who want to learn and ask questions. Those two things kinda go hand in hand. So if you don't agree with what we say, fine. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Oh, and about the grammar, yes, everyone makes spelling mistakes. We're only human. But I honestly can't believe that you don't know how to type and punctuate your sentances. I can come to only two conclusions; one, you yourself are indeed 10 or younger, or two, you don't listen to your english teacher either. which is likely.

You started this thread to ASK A QUESTION TO EVERYONE ON THE FORUM. You did not call the attention of me or germansheperdlver, but we were kind enough to come help you anyways. Next time, put the names of the people you want to help you in the title. I promise, if you are a little more specific, then things will work out for all of us. But good luck finding someone you can tolerate enough to ask for help. This is a hypothetical scenario because you don'e need help, you know everything.

Edited to add, black angel, that is very noble of you. I do respect you. But of course, wwestar is the complete victim here. I mean, (s)he singles out people, then rattles off a list of insults, asks for help and then gets defensive, and constantly tries to start fights. (flaming and trolling are against tff rules, am I right?) It's no wonder everyone is short with him/her. Not to mention, (s)he has no respect for living creatures, or else (s)he would at least take the time to take their best interests in mind, instead of being headstrong and denying there was an issue.
wwestar2000 said:
And you guys don't get it! I don't want your advice!

lmao, you don't want ANYONES advice...i could tell the first time you posted that you were *that guy* and so could everyone else...you aren't getting "bullied" as black angel stated...you are getting what you deserve....you have no right to toss out insults and get defensive when you are 1) about as young as the rest of the "kids" you insult and 2) straight out suck as a person and fishkeeper...i obviously have nothing to put in to this discussion, but neither do you in any of the replies you make to other people's posts (i have just read a couple recent posts where you say "i know it pisses off the betta people but i keep my male in a 1/5 gallon breeding net" CRUEL and "i don't see how peple can be addicted to bettas - they are boring and take too much work" INSULT TO ALL BETTA KEEPERS and "if you get rams the guppies would be killed" LIE ....fact is you have nothing to input yet you do, so don't get pissed when others do the same to you

have a nice day

P.S. and outdoor pond in NEW JERSEY with tropical guppies :rofl:
wwestar2000 you asked a question
so i answered it
and then you choose not to take the answer because it wasnt the one you wanted
so why ask the question in the first place :p

and everything that abstract and OrkyBetta has said has been exactly right. :dunno:
Just thought I'd throw in another perspective.
I myself have housed guppy's and goldies in the past 'cause I was told "no, you cant do that cause goldies need cold water and guppy's need warm water".
Before trying I researched water temps, water params, tank size, fish size, filtration methods/amounts etc etc and decided that everything I read says it can be done in certain situations.
(even though everything I read said I couldnt)

I wouldnt house guppy's in an outdoor pond here in Canada, too cold.
But I could keep a water temp of 74 inside an aquarium, I could add ample filtration, I could house them in a big enough tank, I could keep them together until my goldies got too big, I could keep the water params optimal for both species through aggresive maintenance and cleaning.

Wheres the line between cold and warm?
72-74 degrees?
Maybe 76?
72-76 degrees suit both fish.
Mine lived for over two years together, and are still alive separated.

-25 gallon tank
-1 goldy
-several guppies
-aquaclear 200 and a powerhead on surface with filtration unit
-A second "dynaflo" filter unit
-micro bubble hose.
-Fluvol 1 with spray bar over surface.
-25% water changes every week.
-Regular "sand" cleanings, gravel's no good for goldies right?
-I would clean each filter every week as part of "regular" aggresive maintenance.
-feedings were "once" a day, two to three pellots for the goldy, regular tropical liverbearer flakes for the guppys.
-(soaked the pellots so they would sink, goldy chased, then while goldy was chasing the pellots I'd feed the guppys on the surface)
All the above and more was done to ensure both species could survive, if not thrive being housed together.

However, if you asked me today, I wouldnt "recommned" housing them together, but I would definatly steer someone in the right direction if they persisted doing so.

As for all the arguing and name calling, I'll have none of that thanks.
But if anyone would like to kindly discuss the ups or downs about it I'd be glad to.
Filtration, temps, maintenance etc etc.
All i know is that guppies can do well in an unheated tank just as well as a goldie can, as long as its at room temperature which most indoor coldwater fish are kept at anyway..
My dad bought a house with a pond a few years ago and when he checked the pond he found guppies in it.
He tracked the guy down that previously owned it and he said that he always put the guppys out in spring and brought what he could catch back in in the autumn, so they can live together.
I personally wouldnt do it as goldies grow quickly and the mouth is deceptively large.
Ive kept guppys with fancy goldfish before with no problem.
Ok I've decided to appologise to everyone. I've been in a horrid mood lately. Fogive and forget if you will, and we've already answered the question, or statement, or whatever, now its time to leave.

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