

Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2006
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Grimsby UK
On a Juwel Tank you get a filter.Would the filter be anygood for a reef.Do you thinks it would be best to remove it completley or is there any media i can put in so i dont have to get quite as much LR.
I always thought that you could just get live rock for a marine tank and not have to worry about filters cleaning the water??

Personally I dont like the Juwel filter but yesterday a person on this site suggested removing the internal media and replacing it with bioballs and ceramic pieces to cut down on buying media!!

I doubt that the filter would have enough power to create the necessary water movement in the tank also!
i have a 90 us gallon

i have a tmc skimmer v2 400
ehiem wet and dry filter external
aqua pro 1 + exertal
and will be soon filling tank with live sand and live rock

skimmer takes crap stuff from the water
wet and dry has meadia in it
aqua pro 1 has a pad ammonia and phosathe remover
l.rock with do nitrogen and nitrate etc..

so its up to u the more the better but never leave l. rock on its own its best to always have a skimmer with it and u could keep that filter and just add meadia of your choice or best recommended

then you need to buy a couple of powerheads for water movement

go on my tank journal it will show u all my hardware also plz leave a reply lol yay

anyway hope this helps
Right, and with a Juwel tank where would i need to cut out a piece for the skimmer (TMC V2 400) and you get apowerhead with the tank but no like suction caps so is there anyway i could still use this powerhead.Also about how much LR will i need.
how mnay gallons is tank you could use that powerh ead by resting on live rock

how many powerheads - depends on tanks size

skimmer ur choice but this is 1 of the best (v2 400) and

how many live rock dunno

for a pic of the skimmer go to my tanks journal and look at pics
same forum 90 us gallon reef tank about5th from top its a new 1
Nathan if u search through my topics (go to my account name) you can see a few other topics about my juwel conversion along with my one in my sig.

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