Juwel Trigon 190 [What Are They Like]

Hiya norky, as far as I have gathered the Juwels are very nice tanks. Everyone raves about their build quality. Yeah, I don't like the built in filter and did take mine out, it's easily done if you feel the same. Regarding the price, you can probably get it for a little cheaper. To take the hard work out of searching for a tank on ebay set up a search for tanks that only shows you what is within ## miles of your post code (the option is lower down on the left side) then save the search and tick the box to have it send you email alerts when things match your search. I think that option is just under the search bar.

It may take a few weeks before a real bargain pops up but used tanks are being sold all the time I'm sure one will come up :)
Think that's my only option at the moment as some of them are just to far apart from one that's around the corner but they want £500
Yuck hehe don't do it! I got my Juwel Rio 180 and stand for £100 on ebay. Turned out to be not as good as bargain as I thought because the light unit was broken but I'm still happy with it, it came with some quite expensive black sand and live plants (other stuff too but I didn't want it lol) - I did travel about 50 miles for mine though, any excuse for a jolly :p
Yuck hehe don't do it! I got my Juwel Rio 180 and stand for £100 on ebay. Turned out to be not as good as bargain as I thought because the light unit was broken but I'm still happy with it, it came with some quite expensive black sand and live plants (other stuff too but I didn't want it lol) - I did travel about 50 miles for mine though, any excuse for a jolly :p
Could of got a Juwel Trigon 350 for £250 but by the time I would of put the petrol in it would of been more near £300
Yeah that's true - I left that detail out when I told my husband I'd got a great bargain off ebay haha
Might of found my bargain already its a juwel Triton 350 for £200 going to hopefully pick it up on Thursday if the lad keeps his word and keeps it for me
Excellent! Hope it all works out
Question 2 now am new to the fish world and would like some help on getting new fish. The first lot off fish I had all got on great then I was giving a load of fish from a family member [think they where cichlids ] who she they would be great in my tank but they wern't as they killed most of my fish and each other
Start up a new thread, maybe in the cichlid section for more advice

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