Juwel Standard H Filter


New Member
Dec 23, 2005
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Hi, i'm here today to pick all your brains about my juwel standard h filter unit in my trigon 190 corner tank.

Basically im sat next to it and every few seconds, not in any particular sequence or timing it seems to spit out what i can only describe as air which must be being sucked up the power head.

Has anyone else experienced this and is there a solution to stop this?

Many Thanks,

Is the powerhead seated properly in the filter housing as this could raise the inlet a bit?
there is no red line

i had to lower the level as the crafty fish managed to jump over the filter edge into the filter and so i lowered it, but no lower than the upper fascia rim of the lid...

The red line in my Jewel Rio 180 is at about the same level as the top of the vertical splits at the top of the filter.

Haven't had my tank running long, so haven't found this problem yet. Have you just changed the filter or anything recently and somehow trapped some air in the plastic baskets?

Sorry I can't suggest anything else. If you find out what it is can you post it here?


only been running 2 months sure will let u know, it my be a little low but not a lot!

So where's the little black plastic cover that fits on the top of the filter body? I had to fit mine to stop my monsters jumping in, (when I had the Compact H still fitted..)


So where's the little black plastic cover that fits on the top of the filter body? I had to fit mine to stop my monsters jumping in, (when I had the Compact H still fitted..)


On there lol they jumped through the square bit with no wires in it - dont see how else they got in!

theyre far too fat to get in vents!
Try cleaning your filter, if your sponges a realy gunged up you could end up with small amounts of nitrogen gas being pulled trough the power head as the end product of the nitrogen cycle.

I recomend cleaning the floss once a week rince in hot water, i only replace it when its clumped toghether and matted.
have still got a problem and am in talks with juwel - not that they really have an answer...

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