Hi ThinIce, SORRY for being late, only just seen this one. Firstly many thanks for using my tank thread at the start of yours, really Flattered. Glad you liked it. I'm made up with the Rio 180. But, too be honest I am about to add an External filter to it, Eheim 2026. The reason for this is I want to run a UV Sterilser on the outlet side of the Eheim. My intention is to use the outlet of the Rio internal to supply the inlet of the Eheim external. If that makes sense. I shall transfer my current sponges to the Ehein and fill them out with Eheim media until they mature and eventually remove the sponges altogether. I shall fill the Rio internal with Floss and maybe peat or PhosEX.
Apart from this I think the Rio 180 is an excellent bargain. I have also fitted the extra Lamp unit and Co2 JBL profi kit, which works fine.
It's quite well stocked;
16 Cardinals
8 Glowlights
6 Emperor tetras
6 Harlequins
2 Small Discus
2 Baby Angels
2 Leopard Corys
2 Cory Metai (not sure about the spelling)
4 Ottos Niger
4 Siamese Algae Eaters (Genuine version)
Plants as you can see are in abundance.
All are living very happy.
Hope, if you get one, you have as much enjoyment out of it ,as I am currently enjoying.
Regards John.
Ps. Did have some Algae shrimps, but I haven't seen them for a week, think they have supplimented my Discus's mealtime.