Juwel Rekord 96 - Tetra Ideas.


Fish Fanatic
Dec 12, 2006
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Hi i have nearly finished my cycle of this tank, im planning on putting a bn plec and a pair of blue rams in eventually. I would also like a decent sized shoal or 2 of tetra.

Any recommendations?

I like the bleeding heart tetra and serpae, however after reading up i dont think either go with the other or any other smaller species of tetra!
Ive kept neons before so am looking for something different.

however after reading up i dont think either go with the other or any other smaller species of tetra!

Why do you say this? both species can be fin nippy but so are all other tetras, if you have a decent sized shoal of at least 6 then i doubt you will have any major trouble.

anyway to answer your question, alternatives could be:

Black neons, hardier than neons and slightly bigger and rounder bodied.
Pristella tetras, Great addition to any community tank, they are also known as x-ray tetras (the gold variety are nice)
Rummy nose, nice lower level swimming tetra, IMO are better suited to mature tanks though

i said the above after reading numerous posts on here regarding the aggresive nature of serpae and bleeding hearts. Having never kept either species i am only going on that.

So do you believe if i got a small shoal of either of the above they woudl be ok in my tank? no conflicts with the blue rams / bn?

Appreciate the advice. Thanks
Yes. provided you have a large enough shoal (min 6 ideally more) you should find that the tetras will stick to themselves,

What tank size do you have?
i would get either 2 shoals out of:


Personally, i would go with 8-10 of the cardinals and 6-8 or the rummynose, rummynose are nice but as said, prefer a mature aquarium with tank readings perfect, their red nose will show you how good your water quality is (the redder the better), cardinals look great with a planted aquarium and a dark background as do rummynose. IME glowlights dont tend to shoal as much. All of the fish will be compatible as they are all r=from south america and i think tehey are all from the same area???
Thanks, the tank is approx 21 imperial gallons, 25 us.

Im still cycling so wont be doing anything fish wise for a while.

So it would it be a bad idea to have serpae/bleeding hearts with cardinals / rummy nose????

Yes they should all be fine together,

If it was me i would go for a south american biotope 'look' with live plants and a few pieces of bogwood and a stocking similar to this;

10 cardinals
6 serpae tetra
1 Bn
2 Rams

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