Juwel Lighting Problem


Sometimes Right, Sometimes Wrong but ALWAYS certai
Dec 1, 2006
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Hi, just got a tank of ebay (Juwel).

I knew there was a problem with the lights so before doing a costly replacement does anyone know what causing this problem.

Sometimes if you switch them on they actually come straight on with no problem. If you then switch them off again they wont come back on.
Othertimes they just don't work at all.

Any ideas on what the problem is (apart from being c**p!)
From what you've mentioned it sounds like its just the switch that is faulty,

I'm sure someone on here had the same problem and solved it by cutting the lead just before the switch and then wiring it up straight to the plug, so that you had to turn the mains on/off to get it working.

If you put it on a timer you won't need the switch anyway
It does sound like a dodgy switch.

Is the switch in the hood or the power lead?

If it is in the lead, you can get a replacement for about 99p from Wilkinsons.

If it's in the hood, you can either remove it, blank off the hole and put a switch in the lead (re-connecting the internal wiring with IP65 waterproof connectors) or look at somewhere like Maplins for a replacement switch of the same physical size for a couple of quid. It will need a rating of 2.5A @ 250vAC :good:
The switch is in-line (on the lead).

Ok, so I cut off the switch and plug. Replaced the plug with a new one switched on a yes it worked. But then I switched it off and it wouldn't come back on again! (The fuse is ok)

Now what?
It was me that removed the switch. The lights then worked fine - for a couple of weeks! Then they started switching off, then on again or going dimmer then brighter for no apparent reason. So I bought two new tubes as they were both a couple of years old, but no change. I ended up buying a new light bar. I got a new T8 Juwel bar, but if this happens again, I'm getting an Arcadia I bar, even if it is more expensive.
What Juwel tank did you get Doresy as they suffer notoriously from ballast problems and your situation bares all the classic hallmarks of such.
After you've checked the tubes and the connectors then you may have to go down the replacment route
Hi and thanks for that....looks like it will cost as much as what i paid for the tank! :rolleyes:

I cant work it out, On for a few seconds, turn off, wont come back on. Leave for about five minutes and on it switches (sometimes)
I'm almost sure its a ballast problem, as I said they're notorious for it.
Have a juke around, even use google and it may become more apparent.
Whats the Juwel model of tank you aquired M8
I'm almost sure its a ballast problem, as I said they're notorious for it.
Have a juke around, even use google and it may become more apparent.
Whats the Juwel model of tank you aquired M8


I think its a Juewl rio 120 or 125? It has a 80cm light bar bit it's sealed so a can opener is required to get at the ballast!
Now fixed and working (photo to prove to follow)

Check my "Fixing Juwel light bar" posting in this section on how to do it :good:

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