Juwel filters


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
With Juwels vast array of filters in my pump I'm little unsure when to change them.

Juwel, of course, say change every week/month but this probably isn't necessary. The wooly white one at the top gets changed probably the most

Any one else with juwel pumps and filter got any comments or suggestions.

Ta :D
According to Juwel the white pre-filter pad should be changed every week..... must admit I tend to give it a good clean every week and change it once every few weeks or so. With the other course blue sponges I tend to keep a good eye on them and clean when necessary. It's usually about every 1-2 months but only one sponge at a time. With the fine blue sponges it's usually a couple of times a year.

I clean the white pre-filter pad in tap water but haven't the guts to do the same with the blue sponges as is now suggested.
I only ever touch the blue sponges when the flow is restricted too much. When the flow is noticeably reduced I'll clean one sponge at a time in old aquarium water. The bacterial action between a clean sponge (aerobic bacteria) and a "dirty" sponge (anaerobic bacteria) causes a bio-film and actually results in denifrication thereby reducing nitrates a little. I clean the white mechanical pre-filter every week and replace it when it falls to bits!!
:p The white pre filters are cheap as chips so i just throw it away and replace one a week.

ok bear with me on this bit, in my jewel there are two filter sections, one top and one bottom, both containing 2 blue filters, so hope this makes sense

The blue ones (top ones) i wash the top top one in tank water every 6 weeks ish, the top bottom one every 12 weeks ish.

As for the bottom ones, i wash the top bottom one every 6 months, and the bottom bottom one once a year.

All in tank water, never under the tap as you will lose benificial bacteria, which you dont want to do.

The carbon i replace every 4, 5 - 6 weeks. Dependant on if i have removed it due to medications. :)
Don't buy new blue sponges for the Juwel tanks just rinse them in tank water as previously described on here. My LFS has been running a Juwel display tank for nearly 10yrs on the original sponges! There about knackered now in his opinion and he intends to replace them gradually soon. Bottom line is Juwel want your cash so suggest you buy new it isn't necessary.

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