Juwel Filter


New Member
Mar 11, 2006
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i have a juwel trigon 190 the problem is i use the juwel internal filter with 600 powerhead i clean and replace sponges as juwel reccomend but i can never get water crystal clear i have just put aqurium backround on back of tank but can't see it that well due to tank water not being crystal clear the tank as been set up for 12 months been like this since day one water readings are fine ie nitrate 5 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 ph 7.8 any ideas what i can do to get water more clear ? thanks for any replies
i have a juwel trigon 190 the problem is i use the juwel internal filter with 600 powerhead i clean and replace sponges as juwel reccomend but i can never get water crystal clear i have just put aqurium backround on back of tank but can't see it that well due to tank water not being crystal clear the tank as been set up for 12 months been like this since day one water readings are fine ie nitrate 5 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 ph 7.8 any ideas what i can do to get water more clear ? thanks for any replies

You could put some juwell polishing pads in the filter. I use them and they get the water crystal clear! The sponges dont always need cleaning and replacing as much as they recommend! You only need to change the sponges when they are literally falling to bits and only clean them every 4-6 weeks, when they get a bit mucky. I also make polishing pads last 2 weeks with no problems at all! Your water shouldnt be that cloudy! Is it an algae bloom? How long has it been cloudy and have you done anything unusual recently, like turned up the temperature? GRJ :rolleyes:
i have a juwel trigon 190 the problem is i use the juwel internal filter with 600 powerhead i clean and replace sponges as juwel reccomend but i can never get water crystal clear i have just put aqurium backround on back of tank but can't see it that well due to tank water not being crystal clear the tank as been set up for 12 months been like this since day one water readings are fine ie nitrate 5 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 ph 7.8 any ideas what i can do to get water more clear ? thanks for any replies

You could put some juwell polishing pads in the filter. I use them and they get the water crystal clear! The sponges dont always need cleaning and replacing as much as they recommend! You only need to change the sponges when they are literally falling to bits and only clean them every 4-6 weeks, when they get a bit mucky. I also make polishing pads last 2 weeks with no problems at all! Your water shouldnt be that cloudy! Is it an algae bloom? How long has it been cloudy and have you done anything unusual recently, like turned up the temperature? GRJ :rolleyes:
hi i use the polishing pads but not juwel ones cheaper ones from ebay i changed then once a week any more than this the powerhead slows down do to muck on polishing pad done nothing unusual and no temp difference feed fish twice a day but not to much i have greedy tiger barbs so it is all eaten within 2 mins
I use the cheap white pads from ebay as well. The water is usually crystal clear. It is not so clear at the moment as I am medicating the tank so the carbon is out. I change the filter pad once a week as I have a 15" Common who makes quite a mess. :) PS I have a Juwel Rio 300.
HI . also had this problem with my trigon 190. was like it 4 2 months but then i got impatient and brought a large external filter . its been crystal clear every since. iv also got a rio 400 and have added another filter to that too. personally i dont think the juwel ones are that great at actually shifting crap.
HI . also had this problem with my trigon 190. was like it 4 2 months but then i got impatient and brought a large external filter . its been crystal clear every since. iv also got a rio 400 and have added another filter to that too. personally i dont think the juwel ones are that great at actually shifting crap.
thanks guys for info what external filter did you buy for the trigon 190 ? are they easy to maintain?
i got the tetratec 1200 , this is bigger that you need but i wanted to go over the top.. yes very easy to maintain are bigger so require less frequent cleaning and being external make no mess in the tank wat so ever . i hav two filters in each of my tanks so one always has fully developed bacteria. and i clean the alternatively. i actually use tap water to clean them. i know i shouldnt but because the other filter has bacteria in its fine.
Hi as stated above another filter should help, or maybe get a more powerful pump, I have a Jewel Trigon 350 and only use an internal filter !! where I have recently upgraded the pump head , due to the old one breaking !! to a more powerful output, I change my top white sponge every once every 2 weeks and have crystal clear water every time, plus this may work out abit cheaper than another filter?

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