Juwel Filter Too Fast


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
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I've just bought a rio125 secondhand and set it up on Friday. I have a slight problem in that the flow rate from the filter is too fast and my (community) fish are getting 'blown' all over the place. With the tank I got some angled tubes which I know are for diverting the flow, I have played around with these but to no real joy.

What is the most effective positioning of these tubes? I thought that directed into the glass would be best but its still too much for my cardinals which are hiding under a plant.
Yeah ive set up a rio 240 and the water does go at a very quick speed, though if you face it directly upwards, only the top section of water is moving, the middle and bottom areas are fine, as is 50% of the top area, only the very very top is moving fast, also filling the water right to the brim helps as you get less of a "fountain splash" effect
If the hose sizes match one of the standards can't you just obtain various other tubes, perhaps longer or with bigger holes? I've read here of people drilling out spray bar holes to make the flow less forceful.
Strong flows alright :) after all, most rivers and streams have a fair flow :p
i'm only new to this and still learning but might it be that they are just acting strange cos of new surroundings !!! Also if it was only set up on fri you couldn't of cycled the tank so this could also be an issue !!
charlton is right. What media is in the filter? Is it mature media you already had or the media that came with the tank? If it was media that came with the tank, was it kept wet the whole time?
If the media dried out or if you are using brand new media then you filter won't be cycled and there will be high levels of ammonia in your water, which is very dangerous for your fish. Do you have a test kit?
charlton is right. What media is in the filter? Is it mature media you already had or the media that came with the tank? If it was media that came with the tank, was it kept wet the whole time?
If the media dried out or if you are using brand new media then you filter won't be cycled and there will be high levels of ammonia in your water, which is very dangerous for your fish. Do you have a test kit?

Don't worry, the tank is fully cycled. I used the media and water from my previous tank which I emptied as I filled up the new one.

Thanks for the suggestions, I will try angling the tubes upwards. Incidently, does anyone know how high I can fill the tank to? There doesn't appear to be a max. water line (as there was on my previous tank). Should I fill it so that the water line completely covers the inlet grooves to the filter?
There is a water level line on my tank, which is the same as yours and the water level line is about three quaters of an inch from the top of the filter inlet slots. Hope this helps.

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