Juwel Filter Problem


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
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I have a Juwel Rio 125 which has the standard internal filter. A while ago it started getting a bit noisy, so I took it apart. The cause of the noise appears to be the impellor, which is loose. Looking at it, the impellor is attached to a magnetic core - my question is should this be glued in place or in fact are they supposed to be loose?

Placing the two parts together, it doesn't seem possible that I could get a good (and therefore balenced) fit.
Can anyone help me on this?

I suppose I just need to know whether the propellor bit is fixed to the pump or loose.

Anyone tried to fix it before or glue them into place?
I'm trying to visualise what you mean! I've just has a look at the pump that came with my Rio 125. The impeller is a piece of blue plastic with 3 fins, and a magnet is firmly attached to the body. It has a narrow hole running down the centre. The impeller well inside the pump has a metal rod sticking up through the middle - the impeller slides down this rod and is held inside the pump by magnetism. I can't move the impeller from side to side, I can only pull it out.

Did you mean that the magnet part of the impeller itself is loose, or that the impeller wiggles about inside the pump? In mine, the magnet is firmly attached to the plastic and the whole impeller sit very snuggly on the rod inside the pump.

I found the filter pump very noisy when I got the tank. I even bought a new pump in the hopes it would improve things. I stood it for a couple of weeks, then I got a new filter and removed the Juwel. My husband threatened to turn it off when he wanted to listen to his music - it hummed so loudly it was interferring with his listening, and he doesn't exactly play it quietly!
Completely answers my question, thanks Essjay.

In other words, my filter is goosed.

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