Just Wondering


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Just Wondering does any one know of any Rasbora specific websites that give the same sort of info as say the planet catfish, loaches online websites?
only www.rasbora.com
but that is in Dutch or Belgium or some such language.
Cheers The-Wolf not quite the ticket but thanks any way.

search in google :X Now why didn't i think of that. What a great help you've been :no:
You could try thinkfish.co.uk or tropicalfishfinder.co.uk. They aren't dedeicated to just rasbora but they do have a lot of helpful information. :)
Cheers stang1, funny enough it's because of a fish i saw on tropical fish finder whilst looking into microrasboras sp "galaxy" that started this whole quest for info & typical i noticed a lfs with other microrasboras on their stock list but no info.
I know that feeling. Everytime I went on there I kept finding another fish I liked!
Also try practicalfishkeeping.co.uk, I think they have an article on the Galaxy Rasbora. :)

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