Just Wanted To Say Thanks...


New Member
Dec 31, 2005
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.....for all the time and great information I've been able to glean from this forum. This last week I found myself with an unoccupied 10 gal and pretty much had made up my mind as to what I was going to put in it...that is until I got to the LFS and noticed these poor...but, beautiful...fish in tiny jars. Anywho...brought him home and he's got all the room he wants to spread those beautiful fins of his. This particular aquarium is on my desk...a "tv" to calm me when paying bills etc :) I may put a corey or two in with him...but for now gonna give him some fin room...he's probably been cramped up for quite awhile. Seems to enjoy his new home quite well and eats nicely out of a little floating feeder ring I installed on the surface. Again...big thanks for all the good info y'all had for me to read.

PS...he looks almost exactly like the blue/red one in the TFF FAQ...(pic naming the different fins).

All the best to you and yours in 2006 :)
Do you have a filter and heater in the tank? If you don't you won't be able to get the cory. Any chance of a picture?
Yes, tank is heated (76' right now)..and does have a mild 10 gal Whisper Advanced Power filter...current's not to bad from it and do have plants to the surface in couple places. Will try to post up a pic in a couple of days when the daughter brings my digital back. :) She's still on vacation for the holidays this week.
Then you can get 2 to 4 corys like the Julli corys (another name fish stores may use is emerald cory)
durbkat, that is NOT good advice. 4-6 cories on a tnk that size would be stunted i have 7 in my 26 gallon and that looks crowded at the bottom so 4-6 in a 10 gallon i would only say a group of 4 maybe at most of the PYGMY cories but not julii.

HTH bret
durbkat, that is NOT good advice. 4-6 cories on a tnk that size would be stunted i have 7 in my 26 gallon and that looks crowded at the bottom so 4-6 in a 10 gallon i would only say a group of 4 maybe at most of the PYGMY cories but not julii.

HTH bret
Oh sorry. I guess I should have said 2-4 instead because I used to have 3 in my 10g and they were fine, room wise, but 2 of them died of gill lukes.
Flukes, Durbkat.... fish get gill flukes; Luke is the third Gospel in the New Testament ;)

The minimum number generally recommended for cories is 3. I'd say 4 is reasonable in a 10 gallon but no more.

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