Just Want To Say Thank!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Sutton, Surrey, UK
In the last week or so I have bombarded this board with questions, ranging from stocking, plants, nitrate, cycling, shrimps, lumps on fish, broken gills, frogs and media and everyone without exception has been very helpful and awesome. People have driven out to supply me with media, diagnosed illnesses in the fish and given me more info and advice than I ever expected. Way above expectations!

I just really wanted to point out that this is much appreciated and that I am very very impressed with the forum. I now have a gorgeous tank in my lounge (that is by no means stable yet admitadly, but I am trying) which would be nowhere near as good looking or optimistic without all your help.

Nearly 50 "Newbie" posts with annoying questions asked and not one snarky reply despite the deluge you must have of repetitive beginer questions. Extra kudos for onebto, Wilder, Oldman47 and Waterdrop amogst others for the great help.
All beginners have much the same questions, as you have deduced, but they all have another quality in common. They really do need the answers so that they can move forward in the hobby. When I keep that in mind, as many of us do, it makes it much easier to be pleasant answering the same question as was answered last week. The new people really don't know the right questions, much less the right answers.
This is why we love this forum so much. And your gratitude and special mentions is why we stick around. It's nice to see a thread like this every once in a while which off-sets all the other negativity we encounter on a daily basis.
Thank you for your comments

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