Funny thing.........I just made the biggest Ohhhhhhhh sound when I saw that female peeking (2nd pict) and my little boy runs in and is like, "let me see, let me see!!" So I scroll back up and show him and he's all, "Ohhhhhhhhh that's soooooo cute!!"

) It's not just me in this house that loves your photos's the whole FAM!!!
I'm nominating #2 for FOTM..........I think it is fabulous.......simply gorgeous.....LOVE IT!!!
Hey, Freshmike.........I am asking a request here, could you take like a dozen or two photos of your Clowns please!!! I love Clown loaches and would oh so love a loach tank someday

You have such crystal clear photos.................I would REALLY appreciate it..


) .........please my friend!
