Just Some Pics


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA
All pics I took in my 55gal recently. I hope to get a full tank pics up later its like a swamp in there. Basically just my rubber eel eating some of a boiled egg. Which made a big mess! So all the endler fry got to eat the egg yolk clouds the eel set up. Then he chewed on the egg whites, but refused to actually eat them. So in the end he got some old raw salmon. Snails doing there job and my cherry shrimp.




Comforting to see them in with smaller fish :D. I've read some really bad advise elsewhere on the net with people advising the use of feeders with these guys :crazy:.

Yours are in with cherry shrimp too?

I'm always very tempted by these guys when I see them, but am unsure how they would do with big fish like catfish and cichlids.

Great shots :good:.
Comforting to see them in with smaller fish :D. I've read some really bad advise elsewhere on the net with people advising the use of feeders with these guys :crazy:.

Yours are in with cherry shrimp too?

I'm always very tempted by these guys when I see them, but am unsure how they would do with big fish like catfish and cichlids.

Great shots :good:.
When they are young they would eat everthing they could but they still couldn't get the tetras that where in the tank. I lost a lot of fish in this tank about a month ago do to a really bad piece of wood I put in the tank. About 10 rummy nosed tetras and my 3 panda garras. I did notice something odd though. The eels ate half of the dead tetras, but the panda garras who always use to hang out with them stayed completely untouched. I do know these two adults would never try to eat the live fish. The garras use to always sleep under the log at night with the eels.

Yeah there are shrimp in there to. They are not bother by the eels either. They breed in there too, but a lot of them get sucked up by the canister :rolleyes:. My rams spawned in this tank yesterday too, they were smart enough to do it on the leaves in the middle of the tank though.

I found some photos I took last week. Look at all the light! I tried taking some in the same place today, but there isn't enough light cuz all the plants are blocking it.




Currently the tank looks like this. It hasn't been pruned in about 2 weeks :blush: .
wow wow wow I never tire of looking at your eels Mikaila. Thanks#

the tank looks superb I love overrun tanks!!!

Thats my kind of tank! :D

Overgrown (which looks great IMO) so fantastic for the inhabitants!

Seriously, this has to be one of my favourite tanks, very interesting inhabitants, and extremely healthy plant growth of species that compliment each other very well.
Doesn't the eel eat the fish?

no they are an amphibian that doesn;t

I read up on these amphibians when I first saw Mikailas pics last year, there was a video knocking round somewhere. fantastic looking anials and if I ver got the chance to get one I would
Haha, that snail trail is really really cool. I love the first picture of your eel eating. Top notch pictures :p

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