Just some more pictures of my fish!!

Ya know......I have read several times that it is near impossible to breed Silver Dollars in captivity.

But I found this for you:

Metynnis argenteus

Family: Serrasalmidae
Origin: Guyana
Adult Size: 5 inches (14 cm)
Social: Peaceful, suitable for community tanks
Lifespan: 10+ years
Tank Level: Mid dweller
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Diet: Herbivore, eats plants
Breeding: Egglayer
Care: Intermediate
pH: 5.0 - 7.0
Hardness: up to 15 dGH
Temperature: 75-82 F (24-28 C)

There are well over a dozen species of Silver Dollars, all of which are similar in appearance. Metynnis argenteus, Metynnis hypsauchen, Metynnis lippincottianus, Myleus rubripinnis , and Mylossoma aureum, are all species regularly seen for sale in the aquarium industry. Metynnis argenteus is the most commonly seen species for sale, and can sometimes be distinguished from other species by small dots on their sides. Males have a longer anal fin, tinged in red on the front. They are a schooling fish by nature, and do best when kept in schools of three or more.
Silver dollars prefer subdued lighting, dark substrate, plenty of room to move about as well as some good hiding places. Because they will eat live plants, it’s advisable to use plastic plants, or very sturdy live plants. Although not fussy about water conditions, they do best in soft moderately acidic water.
Interestingly enough Silver Dollars are in the same family as Piranhas, but instead of being carnivores, they are almost exclusively vegetarian. Among their favored foods are vegetable flakes such as spirulina, lettuce, watercress, and cooked romaine or spinach. They will also eat cooked vegetables such as peas and squash. When feeing any fresh food, take extra care to remove any uneaten portions promptly, as it will foul the water.
Even though the Silver Dollar prefers a vegetarian diet, they will eat meaty foods as treats. They are especially fond of bloodworms, mosquito larvae (glass worms), and brine shrimp.

Much like Angelfish, the best way to acquire a breeding pair is to purchase a half dozen juvenile silver dollars and raise them together. Although the parents will not consume the eggs or fry, other fish will, so when spawning them it is wise to place them in a separate tank. To facilitate spawning, make sure the water is soft (8 dgH or below) and warm (80 to 82 F), keep the lighting dim, and provide fine leafed plants (which will be eaten if they are live rather than plastic plants). Eventually a pair will spawn, and the female will lay up to 2000 eggs.
The eggs will fall to the bottom of the tank, where they will hatch in three days. After approximately a week, the fry will be free swimming and able to eat fine foods such as commercially prepared fry food, finely crushed spirulina, or freshly hatched brine shrimp.

This is a little blurp from another article:

"To breed Silver Dollars the best tip I can give is to use soft water. Although the parents will not eat the eggs other fish will, so they should not be bred in a community tank. After several unsuccessful attempts I finally had a pair spawn when I set up a tank with very soft water at 80 degrees. The eggs drop to the bottom where they hatch 3 days later."

My question to ANYONE is, "How do you get soft water????"
anyone............................anyone................................. :huh:


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