LuvMyFish, as someone here already suggested, you should reconsider stocking your tank with cichlids. Personally, have never had much time for them. Too many are over-sized, hugely ill-tempered, & highly territorial. However, there is one that everyone finds to be an absolutely beautiful little cichlid that is peaceful & can easily be housed in your size tank.
The ram, or butterfly cichlid, is definitely one you should consider. They are small, peaceful, relatively easy to maintain, & oh so spectacular.
Ideally, place them in a well-planted aquarium. Definitely one I would recommend if you have your heart set on cichlids.
The ram, or butterfly cichlid, is definitely one you should consider. They are small, peaceful, relatively easy to maintain, & oh so spectacular.
Ideally, place them in a well-planted aquarium. Definitely one I would recommend if you have your heart set on cichlids.