Just Saved My Betta!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 11, 2013
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so you guys might know from my last couple of posts - two of my female bettas died in the past few days :( but there was one left so i was happy about that, and i bought another two to give her some company. 
two days ago i realized that the original betta was nowhere to be seen, i tried looking for her but i couldnt do a proper search because i havent had time because of work. so tonight was my first night off so i decided i'd look for her, assuming she would be dead i looked at the bottom of the rocks but could find anything..
but if you know what a biube tank is, you'll know there is a removable black strip at the bottom that matches the lid, and it covers most of the cermaic media at the bottom, so i thought id take the strip off so it would be easier to see, and there she was! she squirmed her way right to the bottom of the tank and was stuck there for almost 2 days! i was so glad to see her gills moving, i couldnt believe she was still alive. i got her out and here she is now swimming happily like nothing happened!
has anything like this happened to anyone else?
no, not really. but is it really safe to keep 3 females together? i thought about it but instead just got 1 male.(and a couple other fish)
yes females can live happily in groups, some of them arent as aggressive as the males, though they should be kept in groups of 3 or more, and as long as they have plenty of space there should be no problem. my oldest betta was happy living with the other two bettas, and shes very happy living with the new two now :) 
Ya females can live together. I have had 2 females living together al the way to 9
SeaGoddess said:
Ya females can live together. I have had 2 females living together al the way to 9
 Keeping only 2 females together isn't advisable as one will often (Not always) pick on the other one, causing stress and eventually death

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