Just Reset My Territorys

I find fully stocked tanks to be more peacful then ones with only a few cichlids. They all seem to keep eachother in check. The 6 foot tank would have been better to keep more surface area is always better. I wish I had a 6foot tank.

I think this tank can work mixing Africans with Americans is not always best but if you do it right I think it will be fine. Labs are not crazy aggressive Africans and I could see them working with the severums. I'm not sure about the others I don't know my African cichlids well. Good luck and welcome.
Told ya my tank was cramped didn't i ;)

Yeh if i was to mix Africans like Jewels, Tilapia Buttikoferi (although i would love to have one) or nasty Mbunas like Zebras, Auratus, Demasoni then i know for a fact the tank would be as mentioned before...a time bomb....but the ones i have mixed are as peaceful as say..a Severum.

I wish i could of kept the 6x2x2 but the room it was in was just to cramped for me to enjoy it so i sold it (plus the extra water changes were a pain...i don't know how star changes her 12 tanks!)

the 180g wouldn't fit in my front room, only this one would so i had to stick with it.

Frontosa are a good comparison,. i have kept these in the past and they mix very well with New Worlds like Severums, they are about the same amount of agro as the blue haps, the labs are no agro at all and ignore everything else...plus they are a breeding group and still ignore the other fish.

The Livingstonii should be ok, but i got my eye on him.
offloaded some stock today, so the stocking is now (final)

6 x Yellow Lab
2 x Blue Haps
2 x Severum (red and rotkeil)
1 x Pink Convict
2 x Blood Parrot
2 x Bristlenose
2 x Raphael Cats
1 x Synodontis
I don't really wanna write this again but as mentioned in the first, second, third...in fact all my posts the sevs, salvini, convict and Gibbi are only in there because the bloke who bought my 6x2x2 tank 3 days ago and didnt take the fish.


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