Just Picked Up Some Pike :)


New Member
Nov 26, 2005
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I live in nyc, and recently found a great tropical fish store located in jersey , man o man they had everything over 500 tanks with every thing u could imagine, i never seen a pet store better then this, prices were great too, largest pranha selection i ever seen, anyways i picked up a yellow tail barracuda and a african pike wanted to knwo if theres any special care for these guys. The teeth on the pike is outrageous never seen teeth like this.SHARK AQUARIUM i dropped some feeders in, about 10 and have 2 left when i woke up this morning so im guessing there hungry lol, any help would be great in keeping these fish alive along time... anyoen have these, if so how big?
The baracuda's days are numbered if you are keeping them in the same tank, African pikes (Hepsetus odoe) are highly aggressive to any similar shaped fish and certainly have the ability to do some serious damage to fish they attack.

Both fish grow fairly slowly in captivity, the barracuda should reach about 12" within 3 years but the African pike should grow to over 18 inches. Both are fairly short lived species only living 5 or 6 years.
Ive kept both fish (still have the pike) and provided they have are fed regularly and have a large aquarium their upkeep is fairly simple.
thank cfc good thing i bought the pike at 3 inches and the cuda at 6, getting anothr 90 gal for xmas from my girl will split them up THANK YOU :)

post a pik or your pike? there teeth are amazing right


A 6" cuda will easily eat a 3" pike, i'd put a divider in that tank quick.

You do realise both fish need at least a 150g when adult and that the pike should have more like 240g dont you?

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