I really like it! Think it looks much more natural, and will look amazing when all the plants are in there and filling out.
But more importantly - how are you feeling about the new scape? Do you like it more now?
I think everyone was right. I think this looks more natural.
I was going for a tree trunk type look, but just was a flop.
I like the balance of it way better now for sure. Waiting for the plants to fill in will be lots easier now that I'm feeling much more happy about the overall layout. Getting opinions here was a good call
Be cautious about collecting plants from local streams... they may have bacteria and microscopic parasites. (Of course you may already know that...
All of my anacharis has been collected from my local river. Same with all of my driftwood and rocks
I quarantine my plants in a container in a sunny window until I get around to bleach dipping them, then I rinse, then quarantine again for a day or so to be sure bleach killed any nasties.
It's a pain in the butt, but I am fortunate to live within walking distance to a huge river and lake system where plant gathering is free and easy, but the cleaning part of it is the downside.
I collected European frogbit too, and let me tell you, it does way better than my Amazon frogbit!
But yeah, good to note, don't just dump wild plants willy-nilly into your tanks! I cant tell you some of the nasties I've seen in quarantine. Ugh. Leeches and hydra are big ews for me. Fascinating, but not welcome in my tanks. Planaria either.
love it. what light is on there? i like how it seems to light up the first two thirds, is that intentional?
Both lights are just standard hood lights, Aqueon T8 bulbs, Or are you talking about the 20 gallon long posted last? If so, its the same light as the 55 gallon, except I didn't have a proper hood for this 20g. I resealed it and cleaned it up... was my neighbour's old reptile tank. So the lid on it is a metal screen. The light i had doesnt fit the full length of the tank, so i opted to keep the light where the plants were. Scaping it that way was intentional
Ooohh, I have serious tank envy for this one! I want this tank. I really need to keep looking for a 20 long, so perfect for aquascaping and a lot of the fish I like.
20g long nano community tank, mostly Asian except the pygmy cories lol