Just Made A Really Stupid Mistake!

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Electric Warrior

Apr 29, 2012
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So I was doing a wc on my 240l and removed about 30%. I use buckets to fill fill with new water, and I use Prime to dechlorinate. I put in about 10 litres of fresh water from the bucket, and as I was pouring, I realised that I forgot to Prime that bucket, and my filters were running!! I immediately grabbed the bottle of Prime and dumped a capful into the tank? This all happened in the space if about 30 second from when I started pouring the water in until the Prime went in. I am super worried now that I could have killed off everything in my filters within that time! What do you think? It was a completely absent minded mistake. So you think my filters are going to be okay?
I would think you'd be absolutely fine. The instructions give the option to dose the tank *or* the water to be added, so if you dose the tank directly, some of the water you add may reach the filter before the prime gets to it. By dosing a capful when you realised you'd be covered for the whole tank anyway.
Check your stats for the next few days, but I wouldn't panic :)
Yeah, I have two externals running, and I just freaked out that that 10 litres of water might have gotten sucked in immediately and killed everything! I mean it was like 30 seconds as I hadn't even finished pouring that whole bucket when I realised. I know you can add Prime to the whole tank when fling a wc, but your filters have to be off before you add it. Oh my god I almost had a heart attack. I will test later on just be sure I guess...
You will be fine. I have read before that you can change a fair amount of water, far more than one 24th of the water, volume without dechlor and have no ill effects at all. The bacteria aren't as fragile as we all tend to assume.
I agree with sadguppy. Many people do small water changes without even using dechlorinator, so I really wouldn't have thought you'd have a problem. The bacteria are much more resilient than we give them credit for.
Okay. That makes me feel a bit better. I just freaked our because I have a new breeding pair of discus in there, and just use treated tap water because there isn't that much of a ph swing from tap to tank, so I don't age my water, just temp match with a thermometer. If my both my filters were to pack it in with discus, I would be absolutely horrified!
Yeah, phew... I tested this morning and this evening, and ammonia and nitrite were all clear! I was worried yesterday!

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