Just Increased Corries ,what A Difference!


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,i`ve got a 110l with the following fish in 3a lbino corries,2 bronze,2 dwarf gouramis ,6 green fire tetra ,8 glowlight tetra ,2 pitbull plecs and shrimp . Went out today and increased bronze corries by 3 to 5,what a difference ,they`re swimming around together and going mad ,would i be able to increase them by any more or not as i feel really guilty now about the albinos?
Congrats on your newbies :good:

If the bronze & albinos are the aenous species then they will shoal/breed together anyway,they're just colour variations.

Personally i think you'll be pushing it adding another 2-3 albinos has they can grow to 3 inches.
i would +1 that too, enjoy what you have, its not always about huge numbers of fish :)
thanks for that both. The albino don`t shoal with the bronze though ,and when i introduced the extra bronze they went mad ,and are swimming together ,but they haven`t swam with the albino.
thanks for that both. The albino don`t shoal with the bronze though ,and when i introduced the extra bronze they went mad ,and are swimming together ,but they haven`t swam with the albino.

I wouldnt worry too much, most corys are active at night, im sure they interact when its dark and you are fast asleep in bed.
Cories don't necessarily shoal together 24/7 unless you have a massive tank with hundreds of them....

i have 72+ cories between my tanks,most of the time they miggle together has the same species or with others,unless they're on breeding mode then i see them form groups,quite amusing to watch a group of 9 pandas chasing each other around or groups of trio's with my tri's...

I have 3 albinos,never got around to adding more although i could've kept albino babes last year but decided against it,i did keep 2 bronze offspring this year,and to honest they dont hang out with the albino parents,who do tend to stay together has a trio(2f,1m).
i would add one more if i were you but as said above, adding 2+ albinos will be pushing it :/ GOOD LUCK :)

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