Just Got New Vivarium...what To Put In It?

corn snakes are fab we have 3 and they are so so tame even by 2 year old niece loves them, dont worry very very supervised touching and no holding ...not cos they would hurt her but she might accidently hurt them think squeeze like toothpaste :blink:

but they are a dream to look after and you can get some fab colour variations...they are however the HOUDINI of the snake world and can easily get out of tupperware boxes that are sealed down!!!! :crazy: oh and we never feed the 2 that live together in the same tank we take one out and he goes in a crate with a lid to feed and when they are both done we carefully put him back(you shouldnt really handle them for a few days after feeding) they take turns to come out for a feed. :*)
Try an african house snake. By far one of the easiest little snakes to take care of. They only get around 2-3 feet, and don't mind being handled. They also are not fussy eaters, and unlike most snakes, they will not try to eat each other. They are usually a little harder to come by than corn snakes, but are well worth it if you can find it. I've been reading up on reptiles and amphibians since I was five years old and soon will be a herpetologist, and after keeping various species of snakes, I can recommend no better snake than the african house snake.
House snakes are good and much cheaper than corns. However they just don't have the colours do they.

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