Just Got My Silver Dat For My 180gal

Thanks Simona, they had plenty of both about 2 weeks ago when I went. The Dats were only £6.50 and the eels were £3.75. I also picked up an Ornate for £15. He is already in the 180.

I will post some pics of the 180 now just loadin them up.

BTW would a full grown Ornate eat full grown Hoplos? I am slightly on the fence with this but really want to add the Hoplos
Couple of pics of the 180


One of my clowns

Sev, a possible to move home later on

Tinfoils, GT (false) and EBJD

Gold Saum again (hes my favourite)

This prob showa their size a bit better. The Parrot and Sev are slightly bigger than the Gold Saum

And here they are. Pretty much inseperable these 2. They will both probably end up in the 62gal

My senegal, think he looks pretty cool here. Thats his spot, n ice an dark behind the massive internal Juwel filter

EBJD, this guy has tons of personality considering how small he is compared to the others.

Hope you enjoy
BTW would a full grown Ornate eat full grown Hoplos? I am slightly on the fence with this but really want to add the Hoplos
a full grown hoplos at 7" against a 24" ornate, i don't see why not. but then again its highly unlikely you'd get both fishes to the maximum sizes (we're talking about captivity here).
Thanks m8, thought it would prob be ok, especially if well fed, planning on getting the hoplos nice and fat anyway as i loved my last ones when they were fat.
Haha, not sure if thats sarcastic or not lol. I wouldnt have you down as a Parrot keeper. I actually have 2 in there at the minute, both will probably be going in the 62 once everything in the 62 grows large enough to move over.

I only buy them if the shop by me gets them in as trade ins, he doesnt order them in or anything.
i keep my silvers in full fresh water, and all the other poeple i know personally keep them in full fresh as well. while the AT and NGT are sometimes found in brackish water, they are also found in fresh water, and if acclimated properly, will have no problems in fresh.




just a couple of my many AT
long term AT should be kept in brackish water just like scats and monos

just because they can live in fresh water doesnt mean its right
again, they are found in the wild in both brackish and fresh water. either one is fine.
again, they are found in the wild in both brackish and fresh water. either one is fine.

the fry maybe found in fresh water were the adults go to spawn

BUT adults are found in brackish water most of the year

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