Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!

Hi guys - well had the baby cory's about 2 weeks now and i dont have any babies left :(

But dont worry - thats just because they are all great big adult sized ones now !!! :) :) :)

I thought they would grow - but goodness me!! The smallest was no more than 6-7mm when i got them - the smallest now is about 3 times that size - in two weeks!!

I followed the advice about feeding - I feed flake to the other fish and whist they are distracted put TetraTabimin sinking tablets in for the cory's and they just yum them up!

I have put a couple of starter Riccia mats in and they love rooting around on them and a couple of them love to perch on the tops of my tall stem plants.

I am just totally blown away by them - they are fab :)

One question - would it be ok to put some loaches in the tank with the corys? I was thinking Kuhli's?

Actually forget that - just seen they need a sand substrate and I have small rounded gravel - oh well...
If the cories are happy with the tiny pea gravel, the loaches will be. Corys are also sand lovers, but can do with small smooth gravel. My Cories do the loach/Catfish dance with my queens and zebras. If the loach is not a mean aggressive one then they will all get on well.

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