Just Got Mugged By A 9 Year Old And 10 Baby Cory's!


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
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Just visited one of my local LFS's and got well and truely mugged by the owners son who just started selling his first batch of home bred cory's!! how could I not buy some! So I walked away with 10 bronze ones I think looking at the pics online - they range from 1/2 inch to 2/3 inch long and are loving my 90 gallon tank as they are the first bottom feeders so are presently going nuts eating everything in site!!

How fast do they grow?
My wife has fallen for them totally!!
Hopefully 10 isnt too many - guess i need to get some specific food for them as it looks like they will clean the tank in about 2 days at the rate they are going :)

Sorry about the rubbish pics but they are very small and very fast!!

corys are great, 10 is fine you could have had more in a tank that size. i love watching mine they are fantastically good :) enjoy
In that big tank they'll probably grow pretty quickly ten is a good number they like to be in groups. I'm not sure they need specicif food they just eat what ever flakes reach the bottom though you can get sinking catfish pellets that they may appreciate. They are very cute!! Congrats xx
they dont grow too fast they will usually get to about 21/2 inches.
Do you think they are bronze then?

My Zebra Danios found them very interesting to start with but soon realised they werent food and left them to it!
That was nice of you and I am sure you will enjoy those little guys. They are hard-workers and get along with pretty much anything. Ten of them is fine in a 90 gallon. Oh ya, there are little algae pellets that you can buy for them too. Plecos and other bottom feeders eat them too. I would just get a small bag of those and your little guys will be totally set, you could probably even go without them if you really wanted to though.
Thanks guys - I can see why people get addicted to them they really are quite cute and never seem to stop moving for a second!
How quickly do they grow?
i think it depends my first ever peppered grew to about two inches really fast but the others havent grown very quickly at all so I'm not really sure xx
Now you've got some cory's you'll find them irrestiable little fish :)
If they are Bronze they get bigger than one inch. Cute pics :good:


Edit-I am sorry I have to add, Corys should be fed everyday just like you would with any other fish. I see a lot of people on this thread typing things like, "yea, they get whatever flakes happen to fall to the bottom" and "They will probably eat all the food on the bottom that is old in like 2 days and then I will have to feed them" Corys need to be fed everyday and need a varied diet. Pick up a bag of algae wafers and feed 1 or 2 a day, and pick up some frozen bloodworms and feed those 1-2 times a week to vary their diet.Please dont just expect corys to feed off leftovers.

I'll go straight to the LFS at work and get some first thing tomorow - thanks for the tip!
Welcome to the Cory world, great to see your listening to advice ;).
10 Cories makes a great group, and makes me :drool:.
Goodluck with your keeping :)
If they are Bronze they get bigger than one inch. Cute pics :good:


Edit-I am sorry I have to add, Corys should be fed everyday just like you would with any other fish. I see a lot of people on this thread typing things like, "yea, they get whatever flakes happen to fall to the bottom" and "They will probably eat all the food on the bottom that is old in like 2 days and then I will have to feed them" Corys need to be fed everyday and need a varied diet. Pick up a bag of algae wafers and feed 1 or 2 a day, and pick up some frozen bloodworms and feed those 1-2 times a week to vary their diet.Please dont just expect corys to feed off leftovers.


Drew is correct that Cories are not scavengers and should be feed their own food.

:oh: :oh: But the posters that advised you to feed Cories algae tabs are incorrect. Cories are omnivores, not herbivores. Algae Tabs are for algae eaters such as BN Plecs and otos and not for omnivores such as Cories. In fact Cories are an insectavore.

Feed your Cories Sinking Wafers or Tabs such as Hikari, NutriFin or Tetra. They are a Catfish so sinking catfish wafers will feed them all that they must have and all the herbs they need. In addition some live black worms or as an alternative frozen blood worms or baby brine shrimp will delight them.

As to feeding leftovers on the bottom, be sure to vacum your substrate at water changes, because Cory's barbells are sensitive and can get infected from leftovers and filth left to fester on the bottom. A Cory without barbells is a very sad Cory. :sick:

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