Just got a 10 gallon


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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I just purchased a 10 gallon tank that i have put aside for now, I'm just wonderin if anybody could give me suggestions on what i could stock in it. I know it's a pretty small tank, but any suggestions or comments is greatly appreciated.... :D :thumbs:
make a kuhli loach tank. that's what i wanna do with a ten gallon when i get the chance and extra space.
What set ups do you already have?

:*) didn't read your sig........I'd go for a small fish community!!
I used to have a community tank on my 33 but i recently switch to africans....I was going to used it for my 2 bettas but they seem to be happy with their 2 gallon tanks. I was thinking of getting puffers, or anything i could bred.... I wouldn't mind going community again but i want to heavily plant it i don't know if i could find a canopy that can hold higher wattage.....thanks for the suggestions :thumbs:
Can you not make a hood to hold the lighting?

.........or I have heard that breeding cories is fun!!
Can you keep khuli's in a 10 gallon? I always thought that 20 was the minimum? :thumbs:
It would all depend on the water in your area but corys are cool ,you could try some of the small loaches too or some of the small shoalers like tetras or rasbora
Well I have a little planted 10 gallon with a small community of fishy-beasts.
I have an incandescent canopy, so I replaced the two cheapo aquarium lamps with two screw-in CF lamps here and I use the hagen co2 unit here. My silly plants grow like weeds, I do a little diy pmdd ferts too. I have to trim every week.

You can see the fishies in my sig below. I would happily have something a little larger than the endlers if I were to do it again, all these fishies can hide in the plants too easily, sometimes I feel like a gardener, not a fish-keeper! So you can have your planted tank if you wish, and it will happily house a nice number of fish.
It is a wonderful tiny community, and I can't wait to have a bigger tank.
You could get 2 false leaf fish ( if you can find them/have the heart to feed live fish)
You could get some dwarf puffers, dwarf dragon gobies, peacock gobies/gudgeond, or even an African butterfly fish :thumbs:
DogFish said:
Well I have a little planted 10 gallon with a small community of fishy-beasts.
I have an incandescent canopy, so I replaced the two cheapo aquarium lamps with two screw-in CF lamps here and I use the hagen co2 unit here. My silly plants grow like weeds, I do a little diy pmdd ferts too. I have to trim every week.

You can see the fishies in my sig below. I would happily have something a little larger than the endlers if I were to do it again, all these fishies can hide in the plants too easily, sometimes I feel like a gardener, not a fish-keeper! So you can have your planted tank if you wish, and it will happily house a nice number of fish.
It is a wonderful tiny community, and I can't wait to have a bigger tank.
They ship to Canada??? Is there anywhere else I can buy those lights?
make a community of teensy fish - i was contemplating stocking a ten gallon with some sparkling gouramis (1.5) and pygmy cories (1")

that way the size of the fish will look right relative to the size of the tank...if you know what i mean...:/
Discomafia: lol, I live in Ottawa as well, I bought my CF lights at Big Als ! THere is one in the east end and one in Kanata.

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