Just Got 8 Lophiobagrus Brevispinis.

Fish Guy

Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2010
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My order of Lophiobagrus brevispinis came yesterday. They are very interesting catfish, perhaps one of the more interesing ones I have kept. They seem to be settling in very well, already started to dig their own caves under rocks and driftwood. I fed them some frozen brineshrimp today and a couple of them took to it, the others didn't come out. But I'm thinking after a fews days, once they get settled in a bit more they might get used to the feeding schedule.
Looking forward to reading about how this group of little Tanganyikan catfish do in a nice sized group situation, with photos/video to boot. :)
I fed them last night after I tunred off the tank light and they pretty much all come out for some bloodworms. I have been watching all of them closely to make sure they are all of the brevispinis type and not the cycurus species. But it looks like they are all brevis, as I don't see any clear edges on their fins and they have a frog like look to them. Hopefully in the months to come I will see some breeding behavior.
Have you definitely ruled out them being a Phyllonemus species?

Footage of breeding would be amazing, as they are mouthbrooders, preety unusual for a catfish.

Do they have any tankmates yet, or any planned for the future?
From what I have read and have seen from pics, the 8 I have do look like the L.Brevispinis. Longer body type, frog like looking head/eyes, no clear edges plus their digging habits seem to like that of the breivispinis.
The are in a tank by themselves and I plan to leave them be It hink.
Lophiobagrus aren't mouthbrooders, they're cave spawners. Phyllonemus typus are biparental mouthbrooders. I have a pair of Loph's and 6 P. typus in different tanks, hoping to get some fry sooner or later. Cool little catfish, I just wish the typus were as visible as the Loph's. Those two aren't at all shy about cruising around among the peacocks and perlmutts when the food hits the water.
It is looking like a pair of mine may be getting ready to spawn. I noticed two in the one cave, which was unheard of the first few weeks of the 8 of them being in the same tank. One looks pretty gravid, so I'm keeping an eye on them to see if I can see any eggs.
Still nothing yet, the both of them are not leaving the cave at all, but I have been getting the mysis shrimp in front of it. They will still eat if the food basically goes into the cave. I have been using a flash light to get a good look into the cave but can't see any sign of eggs yet.

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