Just Got 120 Gallon Tank


New Member
Jun 1, 2008
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Hey folks,

Want to say im glad i found this forum and wish i would have found it a day earlier. My girlfriends father decided this past Friday he was done with his tank. He had African Chiclids and due to personal reasons decided he had enough. Everything was done pretty much start to finish with the only advance notice of " Hey you want the tank?" He sold the fish to the pet store and the tank was loaded in my truck. We brought it back home and set it all up. We rinsed everything off (which we now read was bad) in hopes to remove all the snails.(which didnt happen).

We were told to grab a bunch of Zebra Danio's and add them to the tank for a month and a half then add others. Now we read about fishless cycling and are wondering if we should keep the fish or do the fishless. Theres currently 9 danios in the tank.

The tank is 120 gallon - 48 1/2 x 24 1/4 x 25 1/2. There are two 110 Aqua clear filters, and the air equipment. We still need to get a heater but the water is at 72 degrees ruffly. And a better hood.

We treated the water with Aqua Safe and Crystal Clear. We got something to kill the snails too but we have not added it yet because in the instructions it says not to if the ppm is below a specific level. As you can tell neither of us have any clue what were doing. We need to go get some testing equipment and do some more reading. Well wish me luck, I'll be visiting often learning what I can. Anything you could share would be appreciated.

Oh ya our long term goal is to have a large amount of bright and colorful fish and other things that wont destroy one another.
Good to have you here man, welcome, youll not find a better fish forum, i can promise you that.

Step 1: give the danios back to the store
Step 2: dont worry about the snails, you can even forget they are there
Step 3: Read
Step 4: Read... Everything
Step 5: ask questions about the stuff you didnt understand
Step 6: buy a bottle of the proper ammonia
Step 7: Understand step 6 when you do steps 3 and 4.

Hint: Fishless cycle.
Hint: Patience

She stickies in the sections "New to the hobby" are going to save your life, and the life of your future tank mates.

Again, welcome to the forum and have a great stay!
Welcome KaNGiX. So far you have not hurt anything except maybe have given some zebras a bit of stress. Take a hard look at the snail killer that you have. If it contains copper and you use it, you will not be able to keep snails, shrimp or most other invertebrates in that tank. Its as close to a permanent solution as you will find in the aquarium hobby. As has been said read up on cycling your tank. It is usually better if you can do a fishless cycle but a cycle can be done with fish in if you keep up the water changes. Your first priority is a good liquid based test kit that tests for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. It would be nice if it also tests for pH but that is not as critical for a new tank as the other tests.
On a 120, water changes will be a bit more difficult than on the typical 20. There is just a lot more water to deal with. For water changes you will need equipment that is not used for anything but fish. The bucket you drain into can be anything but the one you use to add water back into the tank should never be used for anything else but fish. I use the same one for both jobs and I do have a 120 along with other tanks, mine is the 6 ft long but not as wide style. If you havce the money for it, a python can be nice for water changes but I find them expensive.
I have a 125 gallon and I use a python style system where it hooks up to the faucet to fill. I add declorinator in the proper dosage a couple of times while I'm filling. When draining, it goes a lot faster if I run the end out of the front door. Probably looks funny to the neighbors :lol:

Here's a link...
I have a 125 gallon and I use a python style system where it hooks up to the faucet to fill. I add declorinator in the proper dosage a couple of times while I'm filling. When draining, it goes a lot faster if I run the end out of the front door. Probably looks funny to the neighbors :lol:

Here's a link...

haha i run my syphon hose out my second story window and begin! ive had people make comments before

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