Just Give Me A Quick Heads Up Here


Mar 8, 2007
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The closet in your bedroom
To put it bluntly; How is this setup in a 10 gallon tank:

2-Sparkling Gouramies
6-Harlequin Rasboras
5-Pgmy Cories
3-Platies(1:2 m/f)

Is this over stocked or something? Any other stocking scheme you might suggest?
bit overstocked

look at the full grown size of the fish. that do this in ur head as a rule of thumb 1 inch of fish per gallon, for a ten gallon i wouldent put anymore than 10 one inch fish or 5, 2inch fish

if u left the Gouramies out u could prob do the rest
yea my bad with the groumeis for some reason i though they got bigger must have been thinking of another type of them
If we were to follow the 1" per g rule the rasbora alone would stock a 10g.
The tank stock seems good, but I'd remove the platys because they're live bearers, you don't want little babies all over the place do you?
Thanks for the replies. :good: I actually want to have platy kids. There is a LFS really close by and I could easily sell it to them for some cash :big_boss:
Wait a minuite! I just noticed! I do not have a algea eater or a "clean up crew". :crazy: Is it possible to add some kind of an algea eater? If not, than maybe we can take something away from the stocking to make room for it? C'mon give me some idea's :sad: (but thanks for all the replies so far!)
Do I have to :rolleyes: :p (meaning the only option) remove both those fish? Wouldn't that take out the "diversity" or somehing. I'am aiming for a look that shows a blend of different fish. On another point; do oto's get aggresive as they mature? Can I add one oto and take away two harlequin rasboras? Would that work?

EDIT: Sorry for all those question marks :blush:
There probably the least aggresive fish you can get :p but unfortunatly no, its not advised to just get one, if you remove the platies entirely you can have 3 otos instead :)


Yeah sorry about that...I was mixing them up with the CAE. Yup, that sounds good! So far my stocking is going to be:

2-Sparkling Gouramies
6-Harlequin Rasboras
5-Pgmy Cories
3- Oto's :-

But is there a reason why it's not good to keep just one oto? I didn't think they were "social" creatures...They sure look nice!
Yup its a security thing, they just seem to do better together :) and make sure to add them last and leave plenty of algae for them to chomp on.

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