Just Found Gold Fish Eggs!


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Well i deicided radomely after seeing one of our goldifsh chasing after 2 fatter ones(i can only assume females) that i would just research how they breed etc. I wasn't planning on breeding them, i was just curious. Well i read up that males develope these white dots on their gills and fins when they're mature and want to breed. So i go check to see and there's white dots on my male. So i quickly start reading more " they release very sticky eggs that will stick to decor, best to add bushy plants...." etc. So i got check like the 2 lone plants i have in the tank...omg i see white dots on them. So i madly scramble and scrape off the eggs one by one(took long enough). I think there's about 20 eggs i found, there could've been "500-1000" if i had more decor. So now i have the task of trying to raise them, I mean why not every creature deserves a chance at life and i can always afford to learn new things.

I have 6 goldfish in this tank: 3 blackmoors though im postitive its not them and 2 orange(one did have the black donkey stripe but it faded) and a white female with orange accents fantails. Wonder what the fry(if i get that successful) will look like.
you can buy a little bottol called "liqifry" you drop it in the water and the fr swimm threw it eating it . we must of had loads last year . and then we had an outbreak of whitespot and that killed off most of the fry . but one i managed to rescue and it was about 3-4 cm long it was a white fish so i could of been a koi , then we thought we could put it in the pond . and we did it fas fine for a fewdays then it just went missing . our cocnlucion was that a cat had got it as it allways swam around the top and there are loads of cats around here :fish:
Any news on the eggs?? Just wondered if they hatched :huh: Also have you got any pics or the eggs or fry?

:blush: Know this sounds a bit strange but how do goldfish mate???? I have 2 in a large tank and one keeps on following the other around ( don't know the sexes of the fish) thought it was being a bully at first but I have kept my eye on the tank and there doesn't seem to be any nipping of fins etc... Please can anyone help?? :blush: sorry to sort of nick into your thread snowyangel, but I thought you may know. :good:
thanks I will have a look at that in a minute :good:

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