Just Curious


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2003
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Look at my signiture below and look at what fish I have (betta, platy, tetra, gourami). I'm not going to get another fish (I dont have room in my tank), but what other fish would get along besides maybe a neon tetra?? :flowers:
First Of Neons should be keep minmume 4

And secondly neons are nippers

Neons are schooling fish and if not kept in a group they freak

how long have you had your tank?
Also i think gournamies are quite tertourle(sorry for the spelling im tired) and the gournamie might freak and maby kill a fish if it enters its tertoury, you could do this in a bigger tank but i think that small of tank is pushing it. Also i think some of those tetras you have are schooling fish so i would recomend getting a ten gallon and getting more of those tetras and puting in the gournamie, just a thought i want to know what anyone else thinks.(im still new)

Also where did you get these fish, I think they were dumb cluck employees you got you those fish, Maby im wrong.

Have you cycled you tank cause if you havnt thats too much fish during cycling

and must tetras cant make it through cycling

GOod Luck :D
i have .5 inches oer the one to one 1/2 inches of fish per gallon. everyone i've talked to said it's fine just watch it. my tank has been going for 4 weeks and i have all the fish i'll have for a couple years (till they die :-( ) I'm not thinking about getting another fish. i was just wondering what other fish i could get if my tank gets bigger (it won't be getting bigger though). i was just curious.
Ideal tank mates include: Tetras, Danios, Angelfish, Livebearers, Rasboras, Loaches, Plecos, and Catfish
Go here and read up, then make your own choice. Facts sometimes speak for themselves , Above was Not my personal opinion. My Webpage
cant belive everything you see, also bettas can go to much lower temps, and they dont need a ten gallon tank, maby im wrong , this is a family forums so ill shut up now
baseballfan111 said:
cant belive everything you see, also bettas can go to much lower temps, and they dont need a ten gallon tank, maby im wrong , this is a family forums so ill shut up now
lol Tetras, Danios, Livebearers, Loaches, Plecos would be nice tank companions

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