Just brought a tropical fish tank


Fish Fanatic
Mar 29, 2005
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Got a 63 litre tropical fish tank yesterday, got it all set up and running now. Looking pretty good if i do say so myself :)
I do have one query about my heater though, all it has is a + and a - sign on the top with a little nob to turn either way. Now how do i know what temperature the heater is going to keep my water at? The glass fills warm but there's no indication on temperature on the thermometer on the outside of the glass.

Also, i am interested in getting a Siamese fighting fish at some point, i know they cant be in the tank with other males and angel fish, but are they other species of fish i should avoid putting in with it?
Hi Kirsty and :hi: to the forum!

Well done on getting a new tank but be careful..one tank leads to another then another :D

I have a couple of those heaters and the only way you can tell the temp is to use the thermometer but if yours insn't showing any reading then it may be faulty.

Before you get any fish (and if you are already doing this then don't take offence) you will need to cycle the tank.

As for the fighter I have never had one so someone else can give you better advice there.
Hi Kirsty,

With heater's like that, you have to carefully read the thermometer to get the right temp, a bit of trial and error. Sounds like you have a digital thermometer (me too), they are hard to read in certain lights but it sounds like you may need to turn the heater up, the readings only start at a certain temp and it sounds like you haven't got there yet.

It can take a while to get it right but make sure it has been at a stable temp for at least 48 hrs before adding fish etc.

There are more fish that you can't keep with Male fighting fish (Betta Splendens) than ones that you can. I'd reccommend researching some fish you like and posting your suggestions in the Betta forum on this site (or add to this post), you'll get some great advice.

Hope this helps
I was not aware i needed to cycle the tank, i was under the impression all i needed to do was leave the tank running for 2 weeks and then put some hardy fish in for a while before introducing other fish.
No problem, have a read of some of the pinned articles at the top of this forum regarding cycling. It is important and will create the best environment for your fish, keeping them happy and healthy. Any specific questions, post them here for help and advice, we all did! :lol:
I have been having a read and have seen you can do a fishless cycle but that you can also do it with fish?
What sort of fish are good for cycling a tank?
At my local fish shop they have Discus's of all sizes, i would realy like a little one but do they get on with other fish?

I wish all fish liked each other, it would be a lot easier.
I wouldn't reccommend Discus, they are extremely delicate and will not survive the cycling process. They also need to be kept in a species tank with only their own kind.

Danios would be your best bet, they are among the hardiest fish around. Most fish shops have Zebra danio's. They are great fish, very active and you should be fine with 3-4 to start off with.
The danios may nip at the male betta, but I am not 100% sure about that. Male bettas are better off in their own tank. If you REALLY want one, you should just buy like a 2 gallon tank and get a male fighter in there. You CAN keep a female betta community tank. I have 12 females in my 120 gallon and they all get along great. Not as flashy as the males, but still very cute. :thumbs:
Been down to the pet shop, brought a water testing kit, a net, one of those magnetc cleaners and a new themometer, the themometer is in the glass with a digital display :D
And another thing, really love the silver shark but it will get too big for my tank, are tere any similar 'sharks' that wont grow so big?
Yeah silver sharks are brilliant but yes they do grow huge. There are other varieties but I can't think of one that would be ok in your 63 litre tank, thye are all pretty big fish. Sorry. :(
ah no! :(

I have a question about changing the water too. The guy at my fish shop said i wont need to change the water, just the filter, is this right?
Surely changing the water will upset the temperature in the tank?
Prepare your water 1st by heating and declorinating before u do your water change, or mix it to temp by adding hot water, i use to do it straite from the tap with out any problem, use a themometer if your unsure

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