Just Bought Some New Fishies

sorry I was just trying to "be down with the kidz"

Where ever you got that limage from doesn't allow hotlinking (linking an image from one site to another). It's technically considered bad internet etiquette to "hotlink" but people do it all the time, including myself. It's because a linked image, if it gets enough bandwidth hits, can actually take down a website.

Threadjack over.

Lovely fish! All wrong stocking though...
The main thing I see in your first two pictures is neons, yes I know the difference between neons and cardinals folks. In the 4th picture you have a nice Corydoras. In the 6th picture you have a Corydoras paleatus and in the next one an albino Cory. Albinos are most commonly C. aeneaus but other species are also known to produce albinos. I am no good at SA dwarf cichlids so I leave the rams/apistos to others who know them better. You have several shots after that of simple shrimp and the last picture of all is one that looks a lot like C. trilineatus but is a bit darker than the ones I have known in my own tanks.
IMO only it doesn't look like agazzi

More like a apisto macmasteri


I may be wrong though ;)

You are spot on, i fail to type the correct species while eyes and brain know what it is, fingers lie. :D

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