Just Bought 4 Bags Of Caribsea Eco-Complete


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2010
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hi I just bought 4 bags of the Caribsea Eco-complete and im wondering what people think about this substrate. I got it for $71 and free shipping!! Is Eco complete a good plant substrate??
I have some, but for me, it's quite gravelly.. Might not be best for some of the stem plants, or plants with finer roots - I prefer sand nowadays as it's less damaging - especially if you're prone to rescaping every now & then.

Can't help you in terms of plant nutrition, though - I put my eco-complete in when I didn't really know what I was doing, so the plants all died anyway, LOL .. it's still in there now, but likely exhausted.. Perhaps someone with more experience can comment?
well i was thinking about mixing it with black sand ...... if it is tooooooo gravely.... do think i could maby crush it alittle and make finer??
Hmm.. I have no idea. COuld be worth a go, though! :lol: Mine is mixed as it is, with lotsa plain sand & the plants seem fine so far.
Its fine to use without any extra preperation. The grain size is ok even for the smallest of plant species. Try search for The Behemoth tank. Its a tank that Tom Barr did for a wealthy client. At first it had ADA soil but the client decided to have it changed to eco complete. You can see the results yourself.
Love eco complete. I think it's a great mix of fine sand and larger gravel-y sized substrate.
I mix mine with sand as well, mostly b/c it would be too expensive to use only it heh. It's been fine though. Only real problem I have is trying to get stem plants to stay put.
sounds good .... it just arrived in the mail!....im hoping to do an iwagumi layout in a 10 gallon and then take some black sand and the rest ....which i assume will be about 3 to 3 1/2 bags and take that into a 30 gallon tank!

Do you guys believe this substrate can work good with foreground plants like hairgrass and the like?

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